Mar 31, 2025  
Middlesex Community College Academic Catalog 2014-15 
Middlesex Community College Academic Catalog 2014-15 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Transfer Information


This section includes information for students who want to transfer credits in to a major program of study at Middlesex, as well as information about transferring credits earned at MCC out to a bachelor’s degree program.

Transfer IN - Receiving MCC Credit for Academic Work Completed Elsewhere

Applying Transfer Credit to an MCC Degree or Certificate Program


There are many ways for students to bring credit to MCC. You can transfer credit from an accredited college, you can be awarded credit for advanced placement or through prior learning. Send an official transcript to the Enrollment Communications & Support Department and we will evaluate your transcript for credit. Please contact an academic counselor in the Academic, Career & Transfer Center for further assistance.

Transfer of Credit from Other Institutions


Credits are accepted by transfer from other regionally accredited schools or colleges with requisite transcript documents. A maximum of 45 credits earned at other institutions may be applied to academic programs in addition to formal coursework taken at Middlesex Community College. A minimum of 15 credits toward an associate degree or certificate from MCC must be earned through formal coursework at Middlesex, and a minimum of nine credits must be completed in the field of specialization. Students who transferred 12 or more credits into MCC are exempted from the intensive value requirements. (Note: Initial review applies credits to the maximum amount of credit we can award to you; the final number depends on your major program of study.)

Transfer credit will be awarded when a grade of “C” or better is earned for a course from a regionally accredited college or university.*  Courses should be comparable to those offered and taught at MCC. All transferred courses must meet any program and/or prerequisite course grade requirements in order to be utilized to meet a program and/or prerequisite course requirement. Students are encouraged to meet with an academic advisor to clarify any questions about transfer credits.  

If there is disagreement between a student and the academic counselor awarding the transfer credit, the following steps shall be taken:

  • The academic counselor will refer the issue to the Associate Dean of Academic, Career & Transfer Advising, who will confer with the appropriate division dean.
  • If the issue is not resolved at the division dean-level, it will be referred to the Vice President and Provost for resolution.
  • The Associate Dean of Academic, Career & Transfer Advising will inform the student of the final decision of the Provost.

*Note: Students transferring to MCC may have completed the certified MassTransfer Block. See MassTransfer for more information.

Before enrolling in courses at another college, students should obtain approval from the Academic Career & Transfer Center to ensure that this coursework is applicable to their degree program and therefore acceptable as transfer credit at Middlesex Community College. Credit for coursework completed at nonaccredited institutions may be considered on a provisional basis.

Credit for Prior Learning, Training, Work or Life Experience


Prior Learning Assessment

Students with training, work or life experience that is equivalent to eligible MCC courses can earn credit toward their Middlesex degree or certificate programs. Credit is earned through a variety of methods, such as departmental exams, portfolio evaluations and documentation of training or professional certification. Credits awarded through this program are generally not transferable to other institutions unless they are part of a completed and corresponding MassTransfer degree program at a state institution. Applicants for prior learning assessment credit must be currently enrolled Middlesex students. There are nonrefundable fees for the evaluation process. Participation in the process and eligibility of courses varies by college department and program, and may be restricted by law or external accreditation boards. For more information, contact the Prior Learning Program Assessment Coordinator at 781-280-3852 or

MCC is affiliated with the Council for Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL) and  MCC does not administer CLEP tests but generally accepts CLEP test results.

CLEP Exams

The College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) is made up of a series of examinations in a variety of subject areas. The exams are prepared and offered by the College Board (a national organization) and may be taken at several local colleges. Middlesex accepts the general and subject examinations. To find out what areas are covered, and where and how to take CLEP exams, see the CLEP website at To find out how CLEP exam results might be applied for credit in MCC programs, contact the Academic, Career & Transfer Center at 1-800-818-3434.

MCC’s VALOR Act Academic Credit Evaluation Policy

 In accordance with the VALOR Act, students may have their military experience, coursework or training reviewed to determine whether their training or actual job duties are commensurate with the content of courses offered at Middlesex Community College.   MCC uses multiple methods for evaluating military occupation, training, experience and coursework for academic credit, including the ACE Guide to the evaluation of education experiences, CLEP, DANTES (DSST), and portfolio review. All military transcripts, including SMART, ACE, AARTS, and CCAR, are reviewed for transferability of credit in accordance with our college-wide policy. A maximum of 45 credits can be applied to a degree at MCC. Credits for military experience, training and coursework that are treated as transfer credits are listed as military credit on a student’s transcript. As deemed appropriate, these transfer credits may be applied toward the Mass Transfer Agreement.  Students are aware of the VALOR Act credit evaluation policy through our website, catalog, standard practices for admissions and academic counseling processes.  Contacts:  Ivette Caletz, Academic Counselor-Lowell, 978-656-3214; Patricia Hunt, Academic Counselor-Bedford, 781-280-3619

 Note: Due to state regulations, credit for experiential learning, CLEP and military service cannot be awarded to students in the Criminal Justice program.

Articulation Agreements with Secondary Schools


In accordance with the goals of the federally legislated Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Improvement Act, MCC is committed to preparing individuals to qualify for skilled and rewarding occupations. This effort includes relationships with technical, vocational and comprehensive high schools that provide a cost-effective and smooth transition from high school to college.

Middlesex has several articulation agreements with local high schools which allow qualified students to earn college credit for selected high school coursework.  Students who apply to an articulated program at Middlesex must perform at an advanced level in their junior and senior years to receive college credit. Among the MCC programs included in these agreements are: Biotechnology Technician; Business Administration; Computer Applications; Computer, Software & Networking Technology; Computer Aided Design (CAD) Technology; Culinary Arts; Dental Assisting; Early Childhood Education; Hospitality Management; and Information Technology. A complete list of current high school articulation agreements is available on the Middlesex website (

Post-Secondary Articulation Agreements


Middlesex Community College has developed articulation agreements with other post-secondary institutions. With Minuteman Career & Technical High School, MCC offers a joint associate degree in Automotive Technology. National Aviation Academy  offers an Aviation Maintenance Technology program, which, combined with courses at Middlesex, also leads to an associate degree. The college also has entered into an agreement with the Massachusetts Firefighting Academy providing firefighters the opportunity to earn college credit for a variety of training programs.

Credit for Health Profession Certification


Licensed Practical Nurses

Licensed Practical Nurses who have been accepted into MCC’s Nursing program may challenge NUR 101 (Fundamentals of Nursing), and NUR 102 (Nursing Practicum). Upon completion of the challenge process, students may be awarded credit for these courses and may enroll in NUR 155 (Intergenerational Nursing) on a space-available basis. Detailed information concerning the challenge process may be obtained in the Student Information Center. (See Nursing program information for LPN enrollment options.)

Middlesex Community College has articulation agreements with Greater Lowell Regional Technical School, Assabet Valley Vocational Technical School, and Shawsheen Vocational School post-secondary licensed practical nursing programs. Recent graduates of these programs (within the last five years) who are admitted into MCC’s associate degree Nursing program may be eligible to receive credit for NUR 101, NUR 155, and concurrent clinical practicum courses. Further information is available at the Student Information Center. (See Nursing program information for LPN enrollment options.)

Transfer OUT - Preparing for Transfer to a Bachelor’s Degree Program

Many students intend to continue their education to earn a bachelor’s degree at another institution after completing coursework at Middlesex. You are encouraged to take advantage of our transfer opportunities and consult with an academic counselor in the Academic, Career & Transfer Center.


In June 2008, the Massachusetts Board of Higher Education accepted the Final Report from the Commonwealth Transfer Advisory Group, which included a new statewide transfer policy: MassTransfer. MassTransfer seeks to provide a broad population of students with straightforward and understandable options toward the completion of associate and baccalaureate degrees, clearing the way for student access and student success in Massachusetts’ public higher education system. MassTransfer has two main purposes:

  • to provide community college students who complete approved associate degrees under MassTransfer with the benefits of the full transfer and applicability of credit, guaranteed admission, and a tuition discount (each benefit based on the student’s final grade point average) to linked baccalaureate programs; and
  • to provide any student in the Massachusetts public higher education system the intermediate goal of completing a portable transfer block (MassTransfer Block) which satisfies general education/distribution/core requirements across institutions (with the receiving institution able to add no more than six additional credits/two courses).

MassTransfer integrates and replaces the Commonwealth Transfer Compact, Joint Admissions, and the Tuition Advantage Program as of fall 2009. Community college students who enroll in a degree program prior to fall 2009 and who choose to continue in the Commonwealth Transfer Compact and/or Joint Admissions Program will be required to complete their associate degrees by August 2013 and must enroll in a degree program at a Massachusetts State University or University of Massachusetts campus by fall 2014.

Students enrolling in a degree program in fall 2009, as well as currently enrolled students, may accumulate courses leading toward the completion of an approved associate degree under MassTransfer or the MassTransfer Block. The policy benefits apply to students who complete either an approved associate degree or the MassTransfer Block beginning fall 2010, regardless of initial date of enrollment.

Section I: For students completing an associate degree under MassTransfer at a Massachusetts community college.

A student completing an associate degree program under MassTransfer will have graduated with a minimum of 60 credit hours and will have completed the following 34-credit general education transfer block, exclusive of developmental coursework.

English Composition/Writing 6 credit hours
Behavioral and Social Sciences 9 credit hours
Humanities and Fine Arts 9 credit hours
Natural or Physical Science 7 credit hours

Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning


3 credit hours

 34 credit hours

Each associate degree program under MassTransfer is linked to baccalaureate degrees and schools at the Massachusetts state universities and University of Massachusetts campuses across the commonwealth. The list of associate degree programs and linked baccalaureate programs under MassTransfer are available at, as well as on the transfer websites at the individual public higher education institutions.


A student completing an associate degree who seeks admission to a linked baccalaureate program under MassTransfer will be entitled to the following benefits, based upon the final cumulative grade point average at the community college awarding the degree:

A.  A final cumulative grade point average of a 2.0 or higher

i.  Waives the admissions application fee and essay
ii. Guarantees the full transfer of college-level credits, including “D” grades, applied to the degree requirements of the linked baccalaureate degree or school at the state university or University of Massachusetts campus such that the MassTransfer student will be required to complete no more credits or courses than a native* student with the following stipulations:

The student does not change his or her major. If the linked baccalaureate program requires a higher grade point average or specific courses for the major, which are required of native students, the MassTransfer student must meet these requirements.

iii. Satisfies the general education requirements at the receiving institution with the receiving institution able to add no more than six additional credits/two courses in compliance with the New England Association of Schools and Colleges’ Standards for Accreditation. This will apply when the receiving institution already places these requirements on its native students and will determine at its discretion which credits, if any, shall be required.

*Note: The term “native student” refers to students who began their undergraduate education at the baccalaureate institution.

Note: College-level course credits consistent with the standards set forth in the Undergraduate Experience recommendations are included under MassTransfer. Credits awarded by the sending institution through CLEP, challenge examinations, and credit for prior learning shall be included when a student qualifies under MassTransfer.

B.  A final cumulative grade point average of a 2.5 or higher

i.  Grants all of the benefits outlined in section 1A.
ii. Guarantees admission to the linked baccalaureate degree or school at a Massachusetts state university or University of Massachusetts campus with the following stipulations:

If the linked baccalaureate program requires a higher grade point average, which is required of native students, the MassTransfer student must meet this requirement. If because of space or fiscal limitations the receiving institution does not admit all qualified applicants to a given major or program, the receiving institution will use the same criteria for MassTransfer applicants as it does for its native students.

Students must be in good academic, fiscal and disciplinary standing with all previous institutions.

C.  A final cumulative grade point average of a 3.0 or higher

i.  Grants all of the benefits outlined in sections 1A and 1B.
ii. Guarantees a tuition waiver equal to 33 percent of the Massachusetts resident tuition rate at a state university  or University of Massachusetts campus for two years of undergraduate enrollment with the following requirements:

Enrollment is continuous at the state university or UMass campus.
The student earns a cumulative grade point average of a 3.0 or higher for the first year of enrollment at the state university or University of Massachusetts campus.

Note: For students demonstrating compelling hardships, institutions may exercise professional judgment regarding the above conditions.

Section II: For students completing the MassTransfer Block at any Massachusetts higher education institution with a 2.0 or higher grade point average.

A student completing the MassTransfer Block will have earned the following 34 credit hours outlined below, exclusive of developmental coursework.

English Composition/Writing 6 credit hours
Behavioral and Social Sciences 9 credit hours
Humanities and Fine Arts 9 credit hours
Natural or Physical Science 7 credit hours

Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning


3 credit hours

34 credit hours


Students completing the 34-credit MassTransfer Block (exclusive of developmental coursework) with a 2.0 or higher grade point average will be entitled to the following benefit: Satisfies the general education requirements at the receiving institution with the receiving institution able to add no more than six additional credits/two courses in compliance with the New England Association of Schools and Colleges’ Standards for Accreditation. This will apply when the receiving institution already places these requirements on its native students and will determine at its discretion which credits, if any, shall be required. Students enrolled in a specific major or degree program may be required to take additional courses if these courses are specifically required for the major or program and are required of native students.

For full details about the MassTransfer policy, please see a transfer counselor at either campus, or go online to:

The Associate Dean of K-16 Partnerships serves as the contact person for Middlesex Community College students transferring to other colleges who disagree with the transfer institution’s award of transfer credit. In such cases, students present their evaluation of the situation to the Associate Dean. If the appeal is found supportable, students are encouraged to try and resolve the issues themselves with the transfer institution. If any differences remain unresolved, the Associate Dean will initiate discussion with the transfer institution to resolve the differences.

Middlesex College Transfer Advantage Program


This program provides an affordable path to a baccalaureate degree program for students who are ready to begin college-level coursework. By enrolling in MCC’s Liberal Arts & Sciences Associate in Arts (61-64 credit) or other approved associate degree program, students are able to complete a 34-credit block of general education requirements (the MassTransfer Block), and if accepted at a Massachusetts state university or UMass campus, the entire block is guaranteed to transfer through the Commonwealth’s MassTransfer program and apply toward the transfer institution’s general education requirements. Middlesex also has a number of agreements with public and private institutions that can facilitate the transfer process and maximize students’ transfer credits. The courses included in the MassTransfer Block are:

English Composition I & II 6 credit hours
Humanities and Fine Arts 9 credit hours
Social Science & Behavioral Science 9 credit hours
Transferable Mathematics 3 credits hours

Science (with at least one lab science)


7 credit hours

34 credit hours

Students in the Middlesex College Transfer Advantage Program receive one-on-one transfer counseling to ensure the maximum transfer of credits, and have access to academic advising and career counseling, as well as the financial planning assistance necessary to develop a realistic plan to earn a bachelor’s degree. Students who graduate from MCC with an associate degree with a 2.5 cumulative grade point average are guaranteed admission to the linked baccalaureate degree or school at a Massachusetts state university or UMass campus. Those students with a 3.0 cumulative grade point average are guaranteed admission, along with a tuition waiver, for day programs only, equal to 33 percent of the Massachusetts resident tuition rate for two years of undergraduate enrollment. The annual Massachusetts resident tuition rate (excluding fees and based on a 15-credit per semester course load) ranges from $910 to $1,714 at Massachusetts public universities. Some exceptions may apply. For full details about the MassTransfer policy, please see a transfer counselor at either campus, or go online to:

Joint Admissions Programs


Note: The Joint Admissions Program applies to students who enrolled in associate degree programs prior to fall 2009. To receive the benefits of the Joint Admissions Program, students are required to complete their associate degrees by August 2013 and must enroll in a bachelor’s degree program at a Massachusetts state university or University of Massachusetts campus by fall 2014.

By participating in the Joint Admissions Program, Middlesex students can be guaranteed admission to one of these participating colleges: The four University of Massachusetts undergraduate campuses, seven of the state universities, (Mass. College of Art and Mass. Maritime Academy are NOT included), and Suffolk University. Joint Admissions is open to students in approved MCC major programs of study who complete their associate degree with a 2.5 or higher GPA.

From a student’s first semester through completion of an associate degree, customized transfer counseling and academic advising is available for those enrolling in major programs of study approved for Joint Admissions at MCC. During their final semester at Middlesex, students sign an Intent to Enroll form with their college of choice. They then make a seamless transition to a bachelor’s degree program at their selected university. (Note: Suffolk University requires that students sign a participation form before they have earned 30 credits at Middlesex. Participation forms are available in the Student Information Centers on both campuses.) Other transfer options remain open to students in the Joint Admissions Programs.

Tuition Advantage Plan


Note: The Tuition Advantage Program applies to students who enrolled in associate degree programs prior to fall 2009 and who are participating in the Joint Admissions Program. (Note: This benefit does not apply to Suffolk University.) To receive the benefits of the Tuition Advantage Program, students are required to complete their associate degrees by August 2013 and must enroll in a bachelor’s degree program at a Massachusetts state university or University of Massachusetts campus by fall 2014.

Students participating in Joint Admissions who graduate from Middlesex with a 3.0 or higher GPA receive a 33 percent reduction on the Massachusetts resident tuition rate for the first year of their bachelor’s degree program at a participating college. The reduction is renewable for a second year for students maintaining a 3.0 or higher GPA. Students may also apply for other forms of financial aid. (Note: Suffolk University is not a participant in the Tuition Advantage Program.)

Bachelor’s Degree Completion Programs


Middlesex Community College has entered into partnerships with Salem State University (SSU) to provide bachelor’s degree completion programs in selected fields. These programs are designed to allow a student who has earned an associate degree to complete a Salem State bachelor’s degree by taking much of the additional required coursework on site at Middlesex.

Salem State offers bachelor’s degree completion programs in Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education, Liberal Studies - Health Professions Concentration, and Sociology as a second major for licensure in education, as well as graduate-level courses in education. These programs are offered on MCC’s Bedford and Lowell campuses. For further information about programs or courses, call Salem State’s Division of Continuing Education at 978-542-6935 or visit:

Details about special articulation agreements in place for students who have earned an associate degree in an appropriate discipline at Middlesex are available from the Transfer Student Services Office/Registrar or the Undergraduate Admissions Office at Salem State.

Individuals enrolled in any bachelor’s degree completion coursework are Salem State University students and, therefore, must comply with all SSU academic policies and procedures.

Commonwealth Transfer Compact


Note: The Commonwealth Transfer Compact applies to students who enrolled in associate degree programs prior to fall 2009. To receive the benefits of the Commonwealth Transfer Compact, students are required to complete their associate degrees by August 2013 and must enroll in a bachelor’s degree program at a Massachusetts state university or University of Massachusetts campus by fall 2014.

The Commonwealth Transfer Compact specifies conditions under which a Massachusetts community college transfer student may transfer to a public university within the state with minimal loss of associate degree credit.

The most recent version of the Transfer Compact was voted on by the Board of Higher Education and took effect in January, 1990. Under the terms of this agreement, “a student shall be eligible for Transfer Compact status if he or she has met the following requirements:

  1. completed an associate degree with a minimum of 60 credit hours exclusive of developmental coursework;
  2. achieved a cumulative grade point average of not less than 2.0 (in a 4.0 system) at the community college awarding the degree.”

The agreement further stipulates completion of a minimum general education core, exclusive of developmental coursework, as part of the student’s associate degree requirements.

Transfer Compact Core for students entering Middlesex Community College beginning with the Spring 1990 semester:

English Composition/Writing 6 credits
Behavioral and Social Sciences 9 credits
Humanities and Fine Arts 9 credits
Natural or Physical Science 8 credits



3 credits

35 credit hours

The 35 credits in general education specified above are applied toward fulfillment of the receiving institution’s (i.e., Massachusetts state university or UMASS campus) general education requirements. A minimum of 25 additional credits will be accepted as transfer credits by the receiving institution. These credits may be transferred as free electives, toward the receiving institution’s additional general education requirements, toward the student’s major, or any combination, as the receiving institution deems appropriate.

Only college-level course credits consistent with the standards set by Board of Higher Education recommendations are included under this Compact. Credits awarded by Middlesex through CLEP (the College Level Examination Program), challenge examinations, and other life-experience evaluations for course credit may be included when Middlesex certifies that a student qualifies under this Compact.

To complete the baccalaureate degree, a student who transfers under this Compact may be required to take no more than 68 additional credits unless:

  1. the student changes his or her program upon entering the receiving institution; or
  2. the combination of additional general education requirements, if any, and the requirements of the student’s major at the receiving institution total more than 68 credits.

Under these circumstances, transfer students will be subject to the same requirements as native students. (The term “native student” refers to students who began their undergraduate education at the baccalaureate institution.)

To be certified as having achieved Transfer Compact status, the Commonwealth Transfer Compact must be noted on the student’s transcript. Each student record is reviewed at graduation.

Additional Transfer Opportunities


Middlesex Community College has developed other articulation agreements locally and nationally. These agreements are designed to ease the transfer process, allowing a student to specifically plan a curriculum that will fit a chosen bachelor’s degree program at a selected college or university.

Among the MCC associate degree programs included in these agreements are: Biotechnology, Business Administration Transfer, Computer Science, Criminal Justice, Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education, Engineering Science Transfer,  Human Services, Liberal Arts & Sciences, Life Sciences, Nursing, Physical Sciences, Psychology and Theater. Colleges with MCC articulation agreements include:  Boston University, Champlain College, Emmanuel College, Fitchburg State University, Framingham State University, Hesser College, Lasell College, Mass. College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Mass. College of Liberal Arts, Northeastern University, Regis College, Rivier University, Salem State University, Saint Joseph’s College of Maine, Suffolk University, and UMass Lowell.

Transfer Scholarships


 Scholarships are also available to MCC students who are planning to transfer to a bachelor’s degree program:

  • New England Transfer Association Scholarship
  • UMASS Amherst Community College Academic Scholarship
  • UMASS Boston Foster Furcolo Scholarship
  • UMASS Dartmouth Chancellor’s Transfer Merit Scholarship
  • UMASS Lowell Transfer Scholarships

For more information about transfer scholarships, visit an Academic, Career & Transfer Center or call an academic counselor at 1-800-818-3434 or visit our website at:

How to Request an MCC Transcript

To request an MCC transcript, we must have your transcript request in writing. You may visit the Student Information Centers on either campus to obtain a form, download the form from our website, or you may mail a request to us at, Enrollment Communications, Lowell Campus, 33 Keaney Square, Lowell MA 01852. We need to have your name, Student Identification number, your approximate dates of attendance, and the complete address where the transcript will be sent. We also need to have your signature in order to release your transcript. There is a fee of $2 per transcript. For further information about requesting an MCC transcript, call Enrollment Communications and Support at 1-800-818-3434, or visit the college website at



Our students transfer to…

  • Amherst College
  • Bentley University
  • Boston University
  • Boston College
  • Brandeis University
  • Bridgewater State University
  • Cambridge College
  • George Washington University
  • Harvard University
  • Johnson & Wales University
  • Keene State College
  • Lesley University
  • Massachusetts College of Art
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Merrimack College
  • Mount Holyoke College
  • New England Conservatory of Music
  • Northeastern University
  • Plymouth State University
  • Quinnipiac University
  • Rochester Institute of Technology
  • Salem State University
  • Smith College
  • Southern New Hampshire University
  • Suffolk University
  • Syracuse University
  • Tufts University
  • University of Connecticut
  • University of Florida
  • University of Hawaii
  • University of Illinois
  • University of Maine
  • University of Maryland
  • University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Boston, Dartmouth & Lowell
  • University of New Hampshire
  • University of North Carolina
  • University of Rhode Island
  • University of Texas
  • Wellesley College
  • Westfield State University
  • Worcester State University
  • Worcester Polytechnic Institute

    …and many others