Middlesex Community College Academic Catalog 2017-18 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
SOC 128 - Modern China3
China plays a major role on the world stage in the 21st century. With China’s rise as a global power, we need to know more about it, the character of early Western involvement and Chinese responses, the rise of Chinese communism, and China’s struggle to modernize. The focus of this course will depend on the dynamics within and outside of China such as current social, political, environmental, and economic issues. Topics may include Chinese popular media, financial and commercial institutions, concepts of deviance and crime, and Chinese and American differing cultural perceptions. Understanding the complex reality that is modern China provides a competitive edge in today’s world.
ISLOs: This course supports student development of Written and Oral Communications, Critical Thinking, and Multicultural and Global Perspectives.
Prerequisite(s): Eligible for ENG 101 General Education Elective(s): Beharioral or Social Science Elective
Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.