Jan 23, 2025  
Middlesex Community College Academic Catalog 2017-18 
Middlesex Community College Academic Catalog 2017-18 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Transfer Information


This section includes information for students who want to transfer credits in to a major program of study at Middlesex, as well as information about transferring credits earned at MCC out to a bachelor’s degree program.

Transfer IN - Receiving MCC Credit for Academic Work Completed Elsewhere


Applying Transfer Credit to an MCC Degree or Certificate Program


There are many ways for students to bring credit to MCC. You can transfer credit from a regionally accredited college, you can be awarded credit for Advanced Placement, (CLEP, DSST, ACE) or through prior learning. Send an official transcript to the Enrollment Management Center and we will evaluate your transcript for credit. Credits accepted for transfer become part of the student’s permanent academic record. Please contact an academic counselor in the Academic, Career & Transfer Center for further assistance.

Transfer of Credit from Other Institutions


Middlesex Community College’s transfer policy is consistent with the Massachusetts Community College Transfer Principles

Credits are accepted by transfer from other regionally accredited schools or colleges with requisite transcript documents. A maximum of 45 credits earned at other institutions may be applied to academic programs in addition to formal coursework taken at Middlesex Community College. A minimum of 15 credits toward an associate degree from MCC must be earned through formal coursework at Middlesex, and a minimum of nine credits must be completed in the field of specialization. A mimimum of 9 credits towards a certificate from MCC must be earned through final coursework at Middlesex.

(Note: Acceptability vs. Applicability: Although students may transfer in up to 45 credits, it may be possible that not all 45 credits can be applied to their major/program. Sometimes the transfer course is not applicable to a particular major/program and cannot fulfill degree requirements.)


Students registering for a course at MCC are responsible for meeting all course prerequisites. When the prerequisite(s) has been taken at another college or university the student must submit proof that the prerequisite has been met to an advisor or to the Enrollment Management Center. The first time a student registers for a course with a prerequisite met from another college or university, he/she may register using an unofficial transcript. At the time of registration a hold will be placed on his/her record to indicate that receipt of an official transcript is pending. Before the student may register for subsequent semesters, MCC must receive an official transcript from the other college. All unofficial and official transcripts used to evaluate prerequisite courses must include the name of the student, name of college or university, and the name of the course being used for the prerequisite.


Transfer credit will be awarded when a grade of “C” or better is earned for a course from a regionally accredited college or university.*  Courses should be comparable to those offered and taught at MCC. All transferred courses must meet any program and/or prerequisite course grade requirements in order to be utilized to meet a program and/or prerequisite course requirement. Students are encouraged to contact an academic advisor or the Registrar’s office to clarify any questions about transfer credits.

If there is a question regarding transfer credit awarded, the following steps shall be taken:

  • The academic advisor will refer the issue to the Registrar, who will confer with the appropriate division dean. Students may email questions to the Registrar at REGISTRAR@middlesex.mass.edu
  • If the issue is not resolved at the division dean-level, it will be referred to the Vice President and Provost for resolution.
  • The Registrar will inform the student of the final decision of the Provost.

*Note: Students transferring to MCC may have completed the certified MassTransfer Block. See MassTransfer for more information.

Before enrolling in courses at another college, students should obtain approval from the Academic Career & Transfer Center to ensure that this coursework is applicable to their degree program and therefore acceptable as transfer credit at Middlesex Community College. Credit for coursework completed at nonaccredited institutions may be considered on a provisional basis.

Credit for Prior Learning, Training, Work or Life Experience


Prior Learning Assessment

Students with training, work or life experience that is equivalent to eligible MCC courses can earn credit toward their Middlesex degree or certificate programs. Credit is earned through a variety of methods, such as departmental exams, portfolio evaluations and documentation of training or professional certification. Credits awarded through this program are generally not transferable to other institutions unless they are part of a completed and corresponding MassTransfer degree program at a state institution. Applicants for prior learning assessment credit must be currently enrolled Middlesex students. There are nonrefundable fees for the evaluation process. Participation in the process and eligibility of courses varies by college department and program, and may be restricted by law or external accreditation boards. For more information, contact the Prior Learning Program Assessment Coordinator at 781-280-3852 or kaulfussr@middlesex.mass.edu.

MCC is affiliated with the Council for Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL) and LearningCounts.org.  MCC does not administer CLEP tests but generally accepts CLEP test results.

CLEP Exams

The College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) is made up of a series of examinations in a variety of subject areas. The exams are prepared and offered by the College Board (a national organization) and may be taken at several local colleges. Middlesex accepts the general and subject examinations. To find out what areas are covered, and where and how to take CLEP exams, see the CLEP website at www.collegeboard.com/student/testing/clep/about.html. To find out how CLEP exam results might be applied for credit in MCC programs, contact the Academic, Career & Transfer Center at 1-800-818-3434.

MCC’s VALOR Act Academic Credit Evaluation Policy

 In accordance with the VALOR Act, students may have their military experience, coursework or training reviewed to determine whether their training or actual job duties are commensurate with the content of courses offered at Middlesex Community College.   MCC uses multiple methods for evaluating military occupation, training, experience and coursework for academic credit, including the ACE Guide to the evaluation of education experiences, CLEP, DANTES (DSST), and portfolio review. All military transcripts, including SMART, ACE, AARTS, and CCAR, are reviewed for transferability of credit in accordance with our college-wide policy. A maximum of 45 credits can be applied to a degree at MCC. Credits for military experience, training and coursework that are treated as transfer credits are listed as military credit on a student’s transcript. As deemed appropriate, these transfer credits may be applied toward the Mass Transfer Agreement.  Students are aware of the VALOR Act credit evaluation policy through our website, catalog, standard practices for admissions and academic counseling processes.  Contacts:  Ivette Caletz, Academic Counselor-Lowell, 978-656-3214; Michael Rideout, Academic Counselor-Bedford, 781-280-3587.

 Note: Due to state regulations, credit for experiential learning, CLEP and military service cannot be awarded to students in the Criminal Justice program.

Articulation Agreements with Secondary Schools


In accordance with the goals of the federally legislated Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Improvement Act, MCC is committed to preparing individuals to qualify for skilled and rewarding occupations. This effort includes relationships with technical, vocational and comprehensive high schools that provide a cost-effective and smooth transition from high school to college.

Middlesex has several articulation agreements with local high schools which allow qualified students to earn college credit for selected high school coursework.  Students who apply to an articulated program at Middlesex must perform at an advanced level in their junior and senior years to receive college credit. Among the MCC programs included in these agreements are: Biotechnology Technician; Business Administration; Computer Applications; Computer, Software & Networking Technology; Computer Aided Design (CAD) Technology; Culinary Arts; Dental Assisting; Early Childhood Education; Hospitality Management; and Information Technology. A complete list of current high school articulation agreements is available on the Middlesex website (https://www.middlesex.mass.edu/transfer/transartic.aspx).

Post-Secondary Articulation Agreements


Middlesex Community College has developed articulation agreements with other post-secondary institutions. With Minuteman Career & Technical High School, MCC offers a joint associate degree in Automotive Technology. National Aviation Academy  offers an Aviation Maintenance Technology program, which, combined with courses at Middlesex, also leads to an associate degree. The college also has entered into an agreement with the Massachusetts Firefighting Academy providing firefighters the opportunity to earn college credit for a variety of training programs.

Credit for Health Profession Certification


Licensed Practical Nurses

Licensed Practical Nurses who have been accepted into MCC’s Nursing program may challenge NUR 101 (Fundamentals of Nursing), and NUR 102 (Nursing Practicum). Upon completion of the challenge process, students may be awarded credit for these courses and may enroll in NUR 155 (Intergenerational Nursing) on a space-available basis. Detailed information concerning the challenge process may be obtained in the Student Information Center. (See Nursing program information for LPN enrollment options.)

Middlesex Community College has articulation agreements with Greater Lowell Regional Technical School, Assabet Valley Vocational Technical School, and Shawsheen Vocational School post-secondary licensed practical nursing programs. Recent graduates of these programs (within the last five years) who are admitted into MCC’s associate degree Nursing program may be eligible to receive credit for NUR 101, NUR 155, and concurrent clinical practicum courses. Further information is available at the Student Information Center. (See Nursing program information for LPN enrollment options.)

Transfer OUT - Preparing for Transfer to a Bachelor’s Degree Program


Many of our students intend to continue their education to earn a bachelor’s degree at another institution after completing coursework at Middlesex.  Our transfer counselors have resources and expertise to assist students to make informed choices regarding their academic plans and next steps. Middlesex Community College is dedicated to providing services that support and assist students’ transition as smoothly as possible. https://www.middlesex.mass.edu/transfer/

Transfer Advising Appointments

Transfer counselors are available on the Bedford and Lowell campuses to meet with students to assist them with their transfer plans and the transfer process.

Transfer Workshops

Our transfer counselors are available to faculty and other campus groups to offer Transfer Workshops and presentations to students which provide an overview of the transfer process, MassTransfer and related topics.

Transfer Fairs

Transfer Fairs are held on both campuses in the fall and spring semesters, where students have the opportunity to meet with admissions representatives to learn more about these institutions and about the requirements for transferring once studies are completed at Middlesex. The fall semester Transfer Fair typically hosts more than 55 colleges and universities on each campus. The smaller State Fair is held during the spring semester and is attended by our Massachusetts Universities and UMass Campuses.

Other Transfer Events

Each semester admissions representatives visit our campuses to meet with students, either individually by appointment or in group presentations. Students can also speak with admissions representatives in a more casual drop-in setting in the Lowell Cowan Center Lobby or the Bedford Campus Center, Main Street.


MassTransfer Program


MassTransfer, a statewide transfer program, is a streamlined policy to simplify the transfer process. MassTransfer is designed to help students maximize transfer credit and complete a degree in Massachusetts public higher education.

MassTransfer has two main purposes:

  • to provide community college students who complete approved associate degrees under MassTransfer with the benefits of the full transfer and applicability of credit, guaranteed admission, and a tuition discount (each benefit based on the student’s final grade point average) to linked baccalaureate programs; and
  • to provide any student in the Massachusetts public higher education system the intermediate goal of completing a portable transfer block (MassTransfer Block) which satisfies general education/distribution/core requirements across institutions (with the receiving institution able to add no more than six additional credits/two courses).

As a Middlesex student, you are eligible to participate in MassTransfer.

Students who enroll in an approved and linked MassTransfer degree program at MCC and complete the associate degree are eligible for full transfer of credit, guaranteed admission, and a tuition discount (each based on your final GPA). MassTransfer approved and linked programs must include the MassTransfer Block. These programs must also be reviewed to ensure they contain a minimum of 60 transferable credits enabling students to enter the State University or UMass Campus linked program with junior status.

Several elements comprise the MassTransfer Program.

  • MassTransfer Associate Degrees
  • MassTransfer Block
  • MassTransfer ATA (Alternative Transfer Agreements)
  • MassTransfer Education Compacts

Benefits of the MassTransfer Agreement


Students completing a MassTransfer linked associate degree

MCC graduates of linked programs can receive the following benefits:


Program Benefits

Minimum Final GPA required

No application fee


No application essay


General Education Requirements satisfied


Guaranteed credit transfer


Guaranteed admission


33% tuition waiver*



*Must transfer into a day program within one year of receiving the associate degree.

**UMass Amherst, UMass Boston, UMass Dartmouth, UMass Lowell, Salem State University and Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts offer 100% in-state tuition waiver.

Visit www.mass.edu/masstransfer for further details.

The MassTransfer Block


A student completing an associate degree program under MassTransfer will have graduated with a minimum of 60 credit hours and will have completed the following 34-credit general education transfer block, exclusive of developmental coursework.

English Composition/ Writing

6 credit hours

Behavioral and/or Social Sciences

9 credit hours

Humanities and/or Fine Arts

9 credit hours

Natural and/or Physical Science

7 credit hours

Mathematics/ Quantitative Reasoning

3 credit hours




34 credit hours


Any student may choose to complete the MassTransfer Block regardless of major program and receive the benefits of the Block. Students who complete the 34-credit MassTransfer Block with a 2.0 or higher grade point average will satisfy general education requirements at all 4-year public institutions (with the receiving institution able to add no more than six additional credits/two courses). This is the only MassTransfer benefit which does not require graduating from a MassTransfer-approved program.

Students should meet with a Transfer Counselor and visit www.mass.edu/masstransfer for further details.

MassTransfer ATA (Additional Transfer Agreements)


Some community college programs that do not contain the MassTransfer Block can also qualify for MassTransfer benefits.

These Additional Transfer Agreements (ATA) ensure that a minimum of 60 credits will be transferred and applied to the corresponding linked baccalaureate program. With the appropriate GPA, students may qualify for guaranteed admission and/or the tuition waiver. Additional Transfer Agreement programs do not include the MassTransfer Block and therefore do not qualify for that benefit.


MassTransfer Education Compacts


Compact students will receive all of the benefits listed in the traditional MassTransfer program and apply through the same application process.

Early Childhood Education

The Early Childhood Education Compact (“ECE Compact”) provides community college students seeking a baccalaureate degree with a straightforward and understandable pathway toward the completion of associate and baccalaureate degrees, clearing the way for student success in Massachusetts’ public higher education system.

Elementary Education

This compact ensures that students are completing Department of Higher Education course requirements for the Initial Elementary Education Teacher License. Students must take and achieve a passing score on the Communication and Literacy Skills Test (CLST) of the MTEL.

Other Transfer Articulation Agreements


Middlesex Community College continues to develop articulation agreements with both public and private institutions, locally, nationally and abroad. These agreements are designed to ease the transfer process, allowing a student to specifically plan a curriculum that will fit a chosen bachelor degree program at a selected college or university. For more information and to view our current agreements, visit: https://www.middlesex.mass.edu/transfer/transartic.aspx



Middlesex Community College students may be eligible for scholarships when they transfer to a baccalaureate degree program. Students should check with a transfer counselor and visit https://www.middlesex.mass.edu/financialaid/transfer.aspx for more information.


How to Request an MCC Transcript

Requesting an MCC transcript is quick and easy. Just click on one of the links below and create an account, or login with your MCC ID and password. The entire process is completed online, and payment is easy with a credit or debit card. We will send your official e-transcript to the college or university you chose, and you’ll have access to real-time, end-to-end tracking of your order. Transcripts may also be sent directly to you or any recipient you chose. There is a fee of $5.00 per electronic transcript. U.S. Mail and FedEx delivery of paper transcripts are also available. Additional charges will apply. 

- Get started by creating an account.


- For Current and recent students, login with your MCC ID and password.

For further information about requesting an MCC transcript, call the Enrollment Management Center at 1-800-818-3434.



Our students transfer to…

  • Amherst College
  • Bentley University
  • Boston University
  • Boston College
  • Brandeis University
  • Bridgewater State University
  • Cambridge College
  • George Washington University
  • Harvard University
  • Johnson & Wales University
  • Keene State College
  • Lesley University
  • Massachusetts College of Art
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Merrimack College
  • Mount Holyoke College
  • New England Conservatory of Music
  • Northeastern University
  • Plymouth State University
  • Quinnipiac University
  • Rochester Institute of Technology
  • Salem State University
  • Smith College
  • Southern New Hampshire University
  • Suffolk University
  • Syracuse University
  • Tufts University
  • University of Connecticut
  • University of Florida
  • University of Hawaii
  • University of Illinois
  • University of Maine
  • University of Maryland
  • University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Boston, Dartmouth & Lowell
  • University of New Hampshire
  • University of North Carolina
  • University of Rhode Island
  • University of Texas
  • Wellesley College
  • Westfield State University
  • Worcester State University
  • Worcester Polytechnic Institute

    …and many others