Sep 27, 2024  
Middlesex Community College Academic Catalog 2010-11 
Middlesex Community College Academic Catalog 2010-11 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions



  • LGL 102 - Business Law


    This course provides a comprehensive study of the relationship between business and the law. It begins with a study of the American legal system and includes the topics of contracts, the UCC, business torts and crimes, agency and employment issues, product liability concepts, consumer protection, and the variety of ways in which a business may be legally organized.

    General Education Elective(s): Social Science

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • LGL 103 - Environmental Law


    This course introduces students to the rapidly expanding field of environmental law and presents an overview of some of the most important environmental law concepts, issues, and statutes. Attention will be given to diverse areas of environmental law, such as: pollution prevention and control, environmental cleanup, natural resources protection, and other relevant topics. After reviewing principles of constitutional and common law, students will examine a representative selection of the major environmental laws in the United States, such as the National Environmental Policy Act, the Endangered Species Act, the ?Superfund,” and the Clean Air Act, as well as other state and federal legislation and regulations. The role of citizens in environmental protection and law, as well as the values and science that influence environmental law, will also be discussed.

    Prerequisite(s): Placement above or successful completion of ENG 060 and eligible for ENG 101.
    General Education Elective(s): Social Science

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • LGL 130 - The Legal Environment of Business


    Formerly BU 1110

    The legal, economic, ethical, social and political environments which influence the decision-making process of profit and nonprofit organizations. Topics include the nature of law and the legal system, consumer law, securities and antitrust law, labor law, environmental law, and corporate social responsibility.

    General Education Elective(s): Behavioral Science
    Note(s): LGL 102 (BU 1103) and LGL 130 (BU 1110) are similar in course content, therefore, only one of the two will count toward a degree program.

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • LGL 140 - Conflict Resolution Skills


    Students are introduced to conflict resolution skills of negotiation, mediation and arbitration through a series of actual cases and role plays. The nature and sources of conflict are examined within the context of judicial and non-judicial conflict resolution models. Ethical considerations are analyzed with particular attention to truth, confidentiality, competence, power imbalances, conflicts of interest and justice. The course provides students with an opportunity to learn basic negotiating and mediating skills that may be applied to their personal and professional lives.

    General Education Elective(s): Social Science

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • LGL 141 - Mediation Training


    This course provides basic mediation training and is designed to enable students to practice the skills necessary to become an effective mediator. The topics emphasized include: identifying interests, interactive listening skills, transmitting information, general communication skills, and co-mediation techniques. The issues of power imbalances, neutrality and bias are also explored. Ethical standards and confidentiality will be surveyed as well as mediator liability. Students will have several opportunities to practice mediation skills within the framework of several role plays throughout the semester. The dynamics of conflict will be reviewed from the perspective of international disputes as well as legal, consumer, neighbor, family and workplace conflicts. Upon successful completion of this course, students are eligible for a Certificate of Completion in accordance with Massachusetts General Law.

    General Education Elective(s): Social Science

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • LGL 153 - Law, Justice, and Society


    This interdisciplinary course explores the social, political, and economic factors that influence the creation, implementation, and enforcement of laws in our society. The extent to which the legal system can be an agent of social justice is examined through readings and discussion. Students have the opportunity to analyze both the causes and solutions of problematic conditions in our society and world, such as: poverty, racism, sexism, crime, substance abuse, education, and other social issues. Students gain valuable insights and experience through a required four-hour-per-week Service-Learning placement in a community agency, such as human services, criminal justice, education, or the courts.

    Prerequisite(s): Placement above or successful completion of ENG 060 and completion of ENG 101
    General Education Elective(s): Social Science
    Intensive Value(s): Computer Literacy; Values/Ethics/Social Policy
    Note(s): Students with at least 12 credits and a GPA of 3.2 may apply for the Honors option.

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.


  • MAT 060 - Fundamentals of Mathematics


    A detailed study of basic arithmetic skills, including: the standard operations with whole numbers, fractions, decimals and percents, order of operations, powers, roots, and an introduction to the fundamental concepts of algebra, including signed numbers and evaluation of algebraic expressions. Credits earned in this course will not apply to MCC degree or certificate programs.

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • MAT 065 - Fundamentals/Algebra I


    This 4-credit course is intended for those students who are almost ready to begin Algebra I, but their placement tests indicate that there are a few basic math skills that need to be reviewed. In one semester, rather than two, the student will be able to complete a fast-paced review of integers, decimals, fractions, and percents - topics from MAT 060 (MA 1101) - and then cover the topics that are included in MAT 070 (MA 1103). This course is also suitable for those students who have been out of school for a while and would like to brush up on their basic math skills before they begin MAT 070 (MA 1103).

    Prerequisite(s): Placement by exam or permission of the Math Department
    Note(s): This course will serve as a prerequisite for any course that currently has a prerequisite of MAT 070.

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • MAT 070 - Algebra I


    The first course of elementary algebra. Topics include operations with signed numbers, linear equations, linear inequalities, point plotting and graphs of straight lines: systems of linear equations. Credits in this course will not apply to MCC degree programs.

    Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or better in MAT 060 or placement by exam

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • MAT 075 - Algebra I/II


    This one-semester, 4-credit course is a fast-paced review covering the topics included in both Algebra I (MAT 070) and Algebra II (MAT 080). It is designed for students who have demonstrated (through math placement testing or prior mathematics coursework) that they are capable of making faster progress through material usually covered in two semesters. This course is intended for students with prior exposure to the algebraic topics and the appropriate study skills and motivation to work independently.

    Prerequisite(s): Placement by exam or permission of Math Department
    Note(s): Math Career Programs only elective;This course will fulfill the requirement of one course beyond Algebra I for non-transfer programs only. It will also serve as a prerequisite for any course that currently has a prerequisite of MAT 080.

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • MAT 077 - Introduction To Statistics


    Emphasizes the understanding and interpretation of basic statistical results. Reading excerpts from journal articles is an intrinsic part of this course. The use of a calculator and/or a software package relieves the student from computations and formulas. Topics covered include descriptive statistics, binomial and normal distribution, the logic of hypothesis testing, estimation and simple correlation and regression.

    Prerequisite(s): MAT 070
    Intensive Value(s): Computer Literacy
    Note(s): Math Career Programs Only Elective

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • MAT 080 - Algebra II


    The second course of elementary algebra. Topics include: exponents and polynomials; radicals; factoring; quadratic equations; applications and formula problems. Does not meet the prerequisite for precalculus.

    Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or better in MAT 070 or placement by exam
    Note(s): Math Career Programs only elective

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • MAT 085 - Math Connections


    Applied topics in mathematics, as seen in various real-world situations. Students will be taught the basics of spreadsheet use and then apply this knowledge to different mathematical concepts such as statistics, consumer topics and the metric system. Hands-on experience with computers will be stressed, as will skills of estimation and approximation.

    Prerequisite(s): MAT 070 or placement above MAT 070
    General Education Elective(s): Math Career Programs only
    Intensive Value(s): Computer Literacy
    Note(s): Technology/Lab Fee - $100

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • MAT 100 - Intermediate Algebra


    For students preparing for the precalculus-calculus sequence or for statistics. Topics include graphing and modeling with linear and quadratic functions; solving applications; interpreting data read from graphs; solving absolute value equations and inequalities; solving systems of equations in two and three variables; operations with rational expressions; fractional exponents; radicals; complex numbers; and solving of rational, radical and quadratic equations.

    Prerequisite(s): C or better in MAT 080 or MAT 075 or placement by exam
    General Education Elective(s): Math Career Programs only
    Note(s): A TI - 83+ or 84+ graphing calculator is required.

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • MAT 110 - Trigonometry


    Topics in preparation for Precalculus I/Science. Topics include a study of basic geometry, right triangle trigonometry and its applications, trigonometric functions of general angles in both radians and degrees, solving trigonometric equations, vectors, Law of Sines, Law of Cosines, and the graphing of basic trig functions. Word problems will be emphasized.

    Corequisite(s): MAT 100
    General Education Elective(s): Math Career Programs only
    Note(s): A TI - 83+ or 84+ graphing calculator is required.

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • MAT 120 - Math Modeling For Liberal Arts


    This course satisfies the Middlesex Community College graduation requirement for the Liberal Arts and Sciences Program. Mathematical modeling and problem solving strategies will apply to everyday life. Topics will be drawn from areas such as: collecting, describing and analyzing data; probability and decision-making; loans and investments; population growth; linear programming; and geometry of measurement.

    Prerequisite(s): MAT 080 or equivalent or placement into MAT 100
    General Education Elective(s): Math all programs
    Intensive Value(s): Written Communication
    Note(s): A TI - 83+ or 84+ graphing calculator is required.

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • MAT 130 - Elements of Mathematics I


    This course provides a comprehensive, conceptually based study of the mathematics of the real number system. Topics studied include patterns and problem solving, algorithms for arithmetic operations, numeration systems, number theory, and computations with whole numbers, integers, decimals and percents. Inquiry-based instruction, problem solving strategies and project work are emphasized.

    Prerequisite(s): Placement above or completion of MAT 080 with a grade of C or better; placement above or successful completion of ENG 060 and eligibility for ENG 101
    General Education Elective(s): Math all programs
    Note(s): This course will satisfy a mathematics elective for the Early Childhood and Elementary Education Transfer programs. It may satisfy a math elective in those programs that accept Math Modeling for the Liberal Arts as a math elective. It may also satisfy a general education elective or an elective in other programs that accept Intermediate Algebra.

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • MAT 131 - Elements of Math II


    This course provides a comprehensive, conceptually based study of plane and solid geometry and probability and statistics. Topics include concepts of measurement, motion geometry, models of empirical and theoretical probability and data analysis. Inquiry-based instruction, problem solving skills, project work and the appropriate use of technology including calculators and computers are emphasized.

    Prerequisite(s): Placement above or completion of MAT 080 with a grade of C or better; successful completion of ENG 060 and eligibility for ENG 101.
    General Education Elective(s): Math all programs
    Note(s): This course will satisfy a mathematics elective for the Early Childhood and Elementary Education Transfer programs. It may satisfy a math elective in those programs that accept Math Modeling for the Liberal Arts as a math elective. It may also satisfy a general education elective or an elective in other programs that accept Intermediate Algebra.

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • MAT 175 - Methods of Applied Statistics


    A unique interdisciplinary, project-oriented course in which students conduct experiments, perform statistical analyses and produce lab reports. Researching and using lab experiments from the life and physical sciences, students will analyze results while learning and using descriptive statistics, probability density functions, parametric and non-parametric statistical tests and linear correlation and regression. Hypothesis testing and basic experimental design are emphasized throughout the course.

    Prerequisite(s): MAT 100 or MAT 120 with a grade of C or better or by placement exam above MAT 100, and placement above or successful completion of ENG 060
    General Education Elective(s): Math all programs.
    Intensive Value(s): Computer Literacy; Written Communication

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • MAT 177 - Statistics


    A general statistics course, which includes understanding data, measures of central tendency, measures of variation, binomial distributions, normal distributions, correlation and regression probability and sampling distributions, Central Limit Theorem, confidence intervals, estimates of population parameters and hypotheses testing. Interpretation and data analysis are emphasized.

    Prerequisite(s): MAT 100 or MAT 120 with a grade C or better, or by placement exam above MAT 100 and placement above or successful completion of ENG 060.
    Recommendation(s): Concurrent enrollment in ENG 075 or ENG 085 if CPT reading placement is between 68 and 75.
    General Education Elective(s): Math all programs
    Intensive Value(s): Computer Literacy; Written Communication
    Note(s): A TI - 83+ or 84+ graphing calculator is required.

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • MAT 180 - Precalculus I for Business and Social Science


    Topics include equations and their graphs; non-linear inequalities; circles; a study of functions, their graphs and properties; average rate of change; mathematical modeling using analytical, graphical and numerical methods; regression models; composition and inverses of functions. Applications related to business and social science are emphasized.

    Prerequisite(s): C or better in MAT 100 or placement by exam.
    General Education Elective(s): Math all programs
    Note(s): A TI - 83+ or 84+ graphing calculator is required.

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • MAT 182 - Precalculus I/II for Business and Social Science


    This one-semester, four-credit course is fast paced and covers the topics included in both Precalculus I for Business and Social Science (MAT 180) and Precalculus II (MAT 190). It is designed for students who have demonstrated (through math placement testing into MAT 180 or prior mathematics coursework) that they are capable of making faster progress through material usually covered in two semesters. It is NOT an appropriate course for science or engineering students. The topics include: equations and their graphs, circles, average rate of change, composition and inverses of functions, a study of the properties and behavior of rational functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, regression models, synthetic division, and real and non-real zeroes of polynomial functions. Applications will be drawn from business and social sciences.

    Prerequisite(s): Grade of B or better in Intermediate Algebra or placement by exam into Precalculus I for Business and Social Science
    General Education Elective(s): Math All Programs
    Note(s): A TI 83+ or 84+ graphing calculator is required.

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • MAT 185 - Precalculus I For Engineering and Science


    Topics in preparation for Calculus for Science. Algebraic topics include non-linear inequalities; circles; a study of functions, their graphs and properties; average rate of change; mathematical modeling using analytical, graphing, and numerical methods; regression models; composition and inverses of functions. Trigonometric topics include right triangle trigonometry; applications; circular functions; graphs of trigonometric functions; inverse trigonometric functions; trigonometric identities; solving trigonometric equations and applications, both analytically and graphically.

    Prerequisite(s): C or better in MAT 100 or placement by exam
    General Education Elective(s): Math all programs
    Note(s): A TI - 83+ or 84+ graphing calculator is required.

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • MAT 189 - Precalculus I


    Topics in preparation for Calculus. Topics include non- linear inequalities; circles; a study of functions, their graphs and their properties; average rate of change; mathematical modeling using analytical, graphical, and numerical methods; composition and inverses of functions; right triangle trigonometry and applications; circular functions; graphs of trigonometric functions and trigonometric identities as time permits.

    Prerequisite(s): C or better in MAT 100 or placement by exam
    General Education Elective(s): Math all programs
    Note(s): A TI - 83+ or 84+ graphing calculator is required.

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • MAT 190 - Precalculus II


    A continuation of the study of functions and mathematical modeling using analytical, graphical, and numerical methods. Topics include a study of properties and behavior of rational functions; exponential and logarithmic functions; modeling of data using appropriate regression equations; synthetic division; real and non-real zeroes of polynomial functions. Applications will be drawn from social and natural sciences.

    Prerequisite(s): C or better in MAT 180, MAT 185, or MAT 189 or placement by exam
    General Education Elective(s): Math all programs
    Note(s): A TI - 83+ or 84+ graphing calculator is required.

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • MAT 250 - Discrete Math


    An introductory course covering topics recommended for Computer Science: proof methods; formal logic and truth tables; sets and Boolean algebra; functions and relations; graphs; digraphs; trees; combinatorics; algorithms including recursion and induction.

    Prerequisite(s): MAT 190 or placement by exam above MAT 190
    General Education Elective(s): Math all programs

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • MAT 270 - Calculus I


    The first course of a two-semester program of analytic geometry and calculus of a single variable. Topics include a review of functions and their graphs, properties of limits, continuity, derivatives of algebraic and transcendental functions, curve sketching and applications of the derivative to physical and economic problems.

    Prerequisite(s): MAT 190 with a grade of C or better
    General Education Elective(s): Math all programs
    Note(s): A TI-83+ or 84+ graphing calculator is required.

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • MAT 280 - Calculus I for Business and Social Science


    Topics include a review of functions and their graphs, properties of limits, continuity, the derivatives of algebraic, logarithmic and exponential functions, the first and second derivative tests, curve sketching, business and social science optimization problems, antiderivatives, integration by substitution, area, and the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.

    Prerequisite(s): MAT 180 and MAT 190 with a grade of C or better or placement by exam higher than MAT 190
    General Education Elective(s): Math all programs
    Note(s): A TI - 83+ or 84+ graphing calculator is required.

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • MAT 290 - Calculus I For Engineering and Science


    A review of functions including polynomial, rational, conic and trigonometric functions and their graphs; limits; continuity; derivatives of algebraic and transcendental functions, evaluating limits of indeterminate forms using L’Hopital’s Rule; implicit differentiation; related rates; the Mean Value Theorem; applications such as velocity and acceleration; curve sketching; optimization problems; and differentials; Newton’s Method and antiderivatives as time permits.

    Prerequisite(s): MAT 185 and MAT 190 with a grade of C or better or placement by exam
    General Education Elective(s): Math all programs
    Note(s): A TI - 83+ or 84+ graphing calculator is required.

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • MAT 291 - Calculus II For Engineering and Science


    Topics include Reimann Sums; integrating with the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus; applications such as finding area between two curves, volume of solids of revolution, work, force, and arc length; integrating trigonometric and inverse trig, logarithmic and exponential functions, integration techniques including partial fractions, integration by parts, trigonometric and table methods; evaluating improper integrals; Infinite series; Taylor and MacLauren series; convergence tests.

    Prerequisite(s): MAT 290 with a grade of C or better
    General Education Elective(s): Math all programs
    Note(s): A TI - 83+ or 84+ graphing calculator is required.

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • MAT 292 - Calculus III for Engineering and Science


    Topics include vector-valued functions, dot and cross products, motion, curvature and arc length in 3-space, partial derivatives and Chain Rule, directional derivatives and gradients, max/min and Lagrange Multipliers. Also: double and triple integrals, polar coordinates, and parametric surfaces, and Green’s Theorem with applications in work and potential energy in the study of electricity and magnetism.

    Prerequisite(s): A grade of C or better in MAT 291 or equivalent
    General Education Elective(s): Math all programs
    Note(s): A TI - 83+ or 84+ graphing calculator is required.

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

Medical Assisting

  • MAS 101 - Medical Terminology


    An introductory course in medical terminology. Students develop skill in understanding the components of common medical prefixes, suffixes, and terms through a systematic exploration of each body system. Word building and flexibility are emphasized. This course is fundamental in the preparation for any medical field or position. 3 hours lecture

    Intensive Value(s): Technology/Environment/Health

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • MAS 102 - Administrative Medical Assisting


    A comprehensive course to prepare Medical Assisting students to perform administrative procedure in the medical office and to utilize medical management computer software effectively. Students will develop skills in record management, telephone techniques, screening and processing mail, scheduling and managing appointments, managing practice finances, medical billing and office management. 2 hours lecture/4 hours laboratory Course is usually offered in the fall semester.

    Prerequisite(s): CAP 101 or equivalent.

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • MAS 103 - Basic Clinical Skills


    An introduction to clinical skills used in the examination and treatment of patients in the medical office. Students use knowledge of scientific principles and physiologic processes to build practical skills in the following areas: observation, communication, vital signs, patient history, assisting with examinations, electrocardiography and nutrition. 2 hours lecture/2 hours laboratory

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • MAS 104 - Transcription for Medical Assistants


    A course in basic skills needed to transcribe medical records accurately and rapidly. Students will work at their own pace to become familiar with various types of medical records used in the medical office including office visits, medical histories, treatment records, consultation records and correspondence. Special emphasis will be placed on using medical terminology and the names of drugs, instruments and procedures accurately. Course usually offered in the fall semester.

    Corequisite(s): MAS 101

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • MAS 120 - Medical Care in Health and Disease


    An introduction to the way American society delivers health care for selected diseases or conditions. Includes the classification, diagnostic tests, preventative methods, medications and treatment of each body system. Students examine the views of different cultures about health and disease to see how they affect patients’ ideas about effective health care and health care practices in different societies and among different cultural groups. 3 hours lecture

    Intensive Value(s): Multicultural/Global Awareness; Technology/Environment/Health

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • MAS 121 - Clinical Laboratory Techniques


    A clinical course including the use and care of laboratory equipment, safety standards and practices in a clinical laboratory setting, and performance of laboratory analysis on body fluids. Emphasis is placed on laboratory skills routinely performed in a physician’s office. Major components of the course include urinalysis, clinical chemistry, hematology, and serological testing. Students also learn how to collect and process specimens for microbiological testing. 2 hours lecture/2 hours laboratory

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • MAS 122 - Advanced Clinical Assisting Procedures


    Prepares students to perform specialized clinical procedures in the medical office or clinic. Based on the understanding of scientific principles, anatomic structures, and physiologic processes, students develop skills in the following four areas: pharmacology and medication administration, venipuncture, medical office surgery, and emergency medical care. 2 hours lecture/2 hours laboratory

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • MAS 201 - Medical Assisting Externship


    A practicum in assigned medical offices or clinics with weekly seminars to discuss learning experiences in these offices. Group goals are designed to gain practical experience in a health care setting, to increase the understanding of the medical assistant in health care agencies, and to prepare students for the transition from student to professional medical assistant. Individual goals vary according to the opportunities for learning in the assigned office. Course is usually offered in the spring semester.

    Prerequisite(s): MAS 102, MAS 103, MAS 122
    Corequisite(s): MAS 121

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.


  • MUS 101 - Music Appreciation


    This course will help the student to become an active listener of music, and it will introduce a wide variety of musical styles. Through the understanding of elements, or fundamentals, that all music has in common (such as melody, rhythm, tempo, dynamics, harmony, and structure) and a familiarity with the instruments of the orchestra, the student will become an involved listener. Many different kinds of music from 1600 to the present, ranging from small delicate pieces to dramatic symphonies, will be studied.

    General Education Elective(s): Humanities

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • MUS 102 - World Music


    An introduction to folk music from around the world. By examining ethnic music from various regions of Africa, Asia, Russia and Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Latin America, and North America, students will learn much about other cultures.

    General Education Elective(s): Humanities
    Intensive Value(s): Multicultural/Global Awareness

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • MUS 103 - Intro to American Music


    This course will explore the roots of U.S. music from Native American drumming and colonial influences through the birth and development of blues, country, Cajun, jazz, rock and rap, as well as regional styles and Broadway and classical contributions.

    General Education Elective(s): Humanities
    Intensive Value(s): Multicultural/Global Awareness

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • MUS 105 - Music of Brazil


    This course will trace the emergence of popular, folkloric and classical Brazilian musical styles from colonial (circa 1500) to the present. Students will examine the many musical trends, personalities and cultural factors that influenced the development of these genres. We will study the rise of Brazilian nationalism in the late 19th century, the social and political developments of the 20th century, as well as the contributions of African-Brazilians and their impact on the development of the samba and other Brazilian musical styles. Students will be introduced to and given the opportunity to play Brazilian instruments and rhythms as well as analyze song lyrics that reflect the culture and condition of the Brazilian people. The coursework will combine reading articles and books, listening, watching Brazilian films and concert footage as well as writing and discussion. There will be frequent in-class musical demonstrations by the instructor.

    General Education Elective(s): Humanities

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • MUS 106 - Introduction to the Music Business


    An introduction to the business side of the music industry, topics will include record companies, artist management, music publishing, radio, and the Internet. We will examine contemporary practices and their historical backgrounds. Career opportunities will also be discussed. As a final project, students will have the opportunity to work out a marketing plan for their own musical ventures or for an MCC-sponsored musical event as well.

    General Education Elective(s): Humanities

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • MUS 110 - Music Theory I


    Studies the basic elements of music: melody, rhythm, harmony, and notation. Students develop skills reading and writing music accurately. Students will also acquire basic keyboard skills necessary to play through very simple musical exercises.

    General Education Elective(s): Humanities

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • MUS 120 - Introduction to Music Technology


    This course is designed to introduce students to the various ways that technology influences music production and performance. Topics to be covered will include basic computer/Internet skills, digital audio, basic acoustics and music synthesis, MIDI, sequencing, and music notation. Students will acquire skills by completing independent projects utilizing various music software applications in the electronic music lab.

    General Education Elective(s): Humanities
    Intensive Value(s): Computer Literacy; Technology/Environment/Health
    Note(s): Technology/Lab fee - $100.

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • MUS 130 - Applied Piano For Beginners


    This course will help the student acquire the basic skills necessary to play the piano, such as reading music, understanding rhythm, coordinating both hands, and phrasing.

    General Education Elective(s): Humanities

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • MUS 131 - Applied Guitar for Beginners


    The course will begin with classical-style finger picking, tone production, sight-reading and tuning techniques. Students will learn both plectrum and finger-style strumming techniques, and will play basic jazz, pop and blues chord progressions. Chord theory and symbol notation will be explained, and the course will conclude with the introduction to basic arranging techniques. Students will complete a performance project. Periodic in-class performances will be required. Students must have an acoustic guitar.

    General Education Elective(s): Humanities

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • MUS 132 - Voice I


    For anyone who enjoys singing. Covers breathing, tone and vocal production. Students sing songs from the classical literature as well as popular tunes.

    General Education Elective(s): Humanities

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • MUS 133 - Music for Children


    Designed to give teachers of young children a basic vocal technique and knowledge of musical fundamentals, i.e. note reading, rhythm, tempo, etc. Class includes songs, chants and musical games using simple homemade instruments and props.

    General Education Elective(s): Humanities
    Note(s): The course includes a Service-Learning component for students who wish to further apply.

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • MUS 134 - Percussion Methods


    This course will explore the realm of percussion from a variety of perspectives incorporating both history and practice. We will look at the historical development of percussion and percussion instruments, as well as their use in various cultural traditions – not only in western classical music, but in the music of indigenous peoples throughout the world. We will also look at the way those traditions have influenced one another to shape the use of percussion today. The performance aspect of this course will focus on the basic percussion rudiments and building technique for performance. Students may work in groups and individually on percussion exercises and repertoire. This course is designed to be informative for students of any background and is open to all students, regardless of ability.

    General Education Elective(s): Humanities

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • MUS 140 - Chorus and Basic Musicianship


    This course is designed to introduce students to fundamentals of singing in a group. Repertoire will be drawn from a wide range of choral styles and periods. Students will learn basic musicianship skills (reading pitches and rhythms, and recognition of intervals) and vocal techniques (vocal placement and diction). The semester will culminate in public performance at MCC.

    General Education Elective(s): Humanities

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • MUS 160 - Music Theory II


    A continuation of MUS 110 (HU 3103). An intermediate course of music theory, including the study of chord progressions, figured bass, and the harmonization of melodies.

    Prerequisite(s): MUS 110 or permission of instructor.
    General Education Elective(s): Humanities

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • MUS 170 - Music Technology II


    This course is designed for students who already possess a basic understanding of the important concepts of digital audio editing, MIDI, and synthesis. Music Technology II will allow students to explore audio recording/production techniques, classic electronic synthesis, digital processing, and electronic composition in depth. Students will create electronic music projects in the Music Technology Lab that are designed to utilize a variety of software and hardware to enhance the students? technique as well as to increase understanding of the increasingly prominent role that technology plays in the music of our time. Students will be required to commit to at least one hour of lab time per week in addition to the scheduled class time.

    Prerequisite(s): MUS 120 or permission of instructor.
    General Education Elective(s): Humanities

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • MUS 180 - Beginning Piano II


    A continuation of Applied Piano for Beginners

    Prerequisite(s): MUS 130
    General Education Elective(s): Humanities

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • MUS 181 - Guitar II


    A continuation of the skills learned in Applied Guitar for Beginners. Upon entering this class students must have established basic fingerpicking and plectrum techniques and be able to read in the 1st position. Sight-reading will be reviewed and expanded to the 2nd and 5th positions of the guitar. Rock, jazz and blues improvisational techniques will be studied using modes, minor scales, pentatonic scales, blues scales, arpeggios and memorized patterns. Chord symbols and chord progressions will be studied in detail. Ensemble playing, ear-training and advanced rhythmic skills will be focused on throughout the course.

    Prerequisite(s): MUS 131
    General Education Elective(s): Humanities
    Note(s): Acoustic and electric guitars welcome.

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • MUS 182 - Voice II


    A continuation of MUS 132 (HU 3127).

    Prerequisite(s): MUS 132
    General Education Elective(s): Humanities

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • MUS 190 - Chorus II


    A continuation of Chorus I for 1 credit. Students will not be required to take the basic musicianship part of the course, but will join the chorus for the rehearsal portion of the class.

    General Education Elective(s): Humanities

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • MUS 230 - Piano III


    A continuation of Beginning Piano II.

    Prerequisite(s): MUS 130 and MUS 180
    General Education Elective(s): Humanities

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • MUS 241 - Guitar Ensemble


    Students join Guitar I for the rehearsal portion of the class.

    Prerequisite(s): MUS 131 and MUS 181 or permission of instructor
    General Education Elective(s): Humanities

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • MUS 242 - Guitar Ensemble II


    Prerequisites: MUS 181 (HU 3142) and MUS 241 or permission of instructor. Students join Guitar II and Guitar Ensemble students for the rehearsal portion of the class.

    General Education Elective(s): Humanities

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • MUS 280 - Piano IV


    A continuation of Beginning Piano III.

    Prerequisite(s): MUS 130, MUS 180 and MUS 230
    General Education Elective(s): Humanities

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  • NUR 080 - LPN/ADRN Transition


    This course focuses on the role change from Licensed Practical Nurse to Associate Degree nursing student. Emphasis is placed on application of the nursing process to specific skills required for students who wish to advance-place into NUR 155/156 (NU 1121/1321) or for graduates of articulating LPN programs who wish to enter the third semester NUR 205/206 (NU1213/1331). Enrollment is limited to the Licensed Practical Nurse who has been accepted to the Middlesex Community College Nursing Program. Students who wish to advance-place into NUR 155/156 (NU 1121/1321) must also pass the NLN-ACE PN-RN exam. Exemption Credit. (15 hours)

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • NUR 101 - Fundamentals Of Nursing


    The initial course in Nursing is designed to acquaint the student with theoretical content basic to the practice of nursing. Emphasis is on development of understanding of the nursing process and the role of the professional nurse in the current health care system.

    Corequisite(s): ENG 101, BIO 231, PSY 101, NUR 102
    Intensive Value(s): Technology/Environment/Health
    Note(s): NUR 102 must be taken concurrently with NUR 101.

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • NUR 102 - Fundamentals Of Nursing Practicum


    Clinical application of Fundamentals of Nursing theory course includes a laboratory and a direct-care component. An opportunity to learn and practice selected basic nursing skills is provided through simulated laboratory experience. Students are assigned to non-acute clinical settings that enable them to apply knowledge and skills to care of adult clients of various functional levels.

    Corequisite(s): ENG 101, BIO 231, PSY 101, NUR 101
    Note(s): NUR 101 must be taken concurrently with NUR 102.

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • NUR 107 - Pre-Nursing Math Review


    A review of the basic arithmetic skills needed for dosage and solution computations. Topics include a review of decimals, fractions, ratio and proportion, and percents. The metric and household systems and conversion between systems are emphasized. Offered each semester including summer through the Self-Paced Learning Center. This course is intended for applicants to the Nursing Program who wish to review basic arithmetic skills.

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • NUR 155 - Intergenerational Nursing


    Integrates knowledge from maternity, pediatric, and gerontological nursing into a developmental perspective. The focus is on normal growth and development and the common health problems that arise from alterations in growth and development. The student acquires the knowledge and skills to deliver culturally sensitive nursing care to clients across the life span.

    Prerequisite(s): NUR 101, NUR 102, ENG 101, PSY 101, BIO 231
    Corequisite(s): BIO 232, ANT 101, NUR 156, NUR 160
    Note(s): NUR 156 must be taken concurrently with NUR 155. Open to Nursing students only.

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • NUR 156 - Intergenerational Nursing Practicum


    The practicum in Intergenerational Nursing provides clinical experiences in maternity, pediatric, and geriatric settings that correlate with presentation of didactic content in the concurrent theory course. An opportunity to practice selected nursing skills is provided through simulated laboratory experiences.

    Prerequisite(s): NUR 101, NUR 102, ENG 101, BIO 231, PSY 101
    Corequisite(s): BIO 232, ANT 101, NUR 155, NUR 160
    Note(s): NUR 155 must be taken concurrently with NUR 156. Open to Nursing students only.

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • NUR 160 - Pharmacology for Nurses


    This is an introductory pharmacology course for nursing students. The course introduces the concepts of basic pharmacology and the role of the nurse in the management of drug therapy. Physical, biological, psychosocial, cultural, intellectual, spiritual and environmental factors that influence drug therapy are stressed as they apply to administration of medication.

    Prerequisite(s): NUR 101, NUR 102, ENG 101, BIO 231, PSY 101
    Corequisite(s): NUR 155, NUR 156, BIO 232, ANT 101
    Note(s): Open to Nursing students only.

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • NUR 205 - Nursing Care of the Adult I


    Integrates knowledge from medical/surgical nursing and psychiatric nursing into a holistic perspective. The focus is on acquiring knowledge that allows students to deliver culturally competent care to adult clients with common acute and chronic physical or persistent mental health problems.

    Prerequisite(s): NUR 155, NUR 156, BIO 232, ANT 101
    Corequisite(s): BIO 235, MAT 077, NUR 206
    Intensive Value(s): Written Communication
    Note(s): NUR 206 must be taken concurrently with NUR 205.;Open to Nursing students only.

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • NUR 206 - Nursing Care of Adult I Practicum


    The practicum for Nursing Care of the Adult I provide experiences in acute medical/surgical, and psychiatric settings that correlates with presentation of didactic content in concurrent theory course. An opportunity to practice selected nursing skills is also provided through simulated laboratory experiences.

    Prerequisite(s): NUR 155, NUR 156, ANT 101, BIO 232
    Corequisite(s): BIO 235, MAT 077, NUR 205
    Note(s): NUR 205 must be taken concurrently with NUR 206.;Open to Nursing students only.

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • NUR 255 - Nursing Care of the Adult II


    Assists students in learning how to give culturally competent comprehensive nursing care to adult clients with acute or chronic/persistent health problems. Emphasis is placed on synthesis of knowledge from the biophysical sciences and previous nursing courses. Basic principles of community health and leadership/management are presented as they relate to the role of the ADRN.

    Prerequisite(s): NUR 205, NUR 206, BIO 235, MAT 077.
    Corequisite(s): ENG 102, NUR 252, Humanities/Social Science restricted elective for 4th semester Nursing students.
    Note(s): NUR 256 must be taken concurrently with NUR 255.

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • NUR 256 - Nursing Care of Adult II Practicum


    The practicum for Nursing Care of the Adult II provides experiences in acute medical/surgical, transitional care and community settings that correlate with the presentation of didactic content in the concurrent theory course. An opportunity to practice nursing skills is also provided through simulated laboratory experience.

    Prerequisite(s): MAT 077, BIO 235, NUR 205, NUR 206
    Corequisite(s): ENG 102, NUR 255, Humanities/Social Science restricted elective for 4th semester Nursing students.
    Note(s): NUR 255 must be taken concurrently with NUR 256.

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • NUR 260 - Nursing Issues


    Through an exploration of the evolution of nursing, provides a basis for understanding the impact of past, contemporary and future issues on current nursing practice. Focus is on the standards of practice, legal and ethical considerations, and career preparation as they relate to nursing practice.

    Prerequisite(s): NUR 205, NUR 206, MAT 077
    Corequisite(s): NUR 255, NUR 256
    Intensive Value(s): Values/Ethics/Social Policy

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.


  • PAR 102 - Litigation


    This course explores how the court system is used to resolve disputes. It emphasizes litigation that does not involve criminal conduct. Topics will include jurisdiction, substantive and procedural laws, investigation, and preparation of the lawsuit. The class will pay particular attention to the practical aspects of how a paralegal assists a lawyer in the variety of tasks essential to the litigation process.

    Prerequisite(s): Placement above or successful completion of ENG 060 and eligible for ENG 101
    Note(s): This is a required course for all paralegal majors.

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • PAR 110 - Legal Research and Writing I


    This course provides an introduction to legal research techniques and writing. It will examine the importance as well as the limitations of legal research and the law library. Emphasis is placed on development of the skills required to research a problem in terms of background, specific fact, and validation. The fundamentals of legal writing are presented through preparation of research and memoranda. Students will use WESTLAW and LEXIS-NEXIS during this course.

    Prerequisite(s): Placement above or successful completion of ENG 060 and eligible for ENG 101
    Intensive Value(s): Written Communication.
    Note(s): This is a required course for all paralegal majors.

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • PAR 130 - Business Organizations


    This course is designed to provide training in the practical aspects of the law of business organizations. It begins with the most simple form of business enterprise, the sole proprietorship, progresses through general partnerships and limited partnerships, and dwells upon the most complex business organization, the corporation. Corporate materials are discussed chronologically as they will usually be met in practice. Corporate characteristics, formation procedures, financial structure, meetings, dividends, share ownership, amendments, and dissolution are discussed in depth.

    Prerequisite(s): Placement above or successful completion of ENG 060 and eligible for ENG 101
    Note(s): This is a Legal Speciality course.

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • PAR 131 - Computer Applications For Paralegals


    This course will introduce the paralegal to computer applications as they are used in a law firm, corporation or other legal setting. Topics will include the explanation and illustration of computer hardware, software and peripherals. Students will be introduced to various legal software packages, including word processing, spreadsheets, database management, PowerPoint presentation, timekeeping and billing, litigation support, and more.

    Intensive Value(s): Computer Literacy

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • PAR 132 - Contract Law


    This course provides an introduction to general contract law concepts and the Uniform Commercial Code. The basics of creating a contract offer and acceptance, consideration, capacity, legality are studied, as are the means by which contracts are terminated and disputes are handled. Topics include purchase and sale agreements, security agreements, basic financing, consumer protection, and the purchase and sale of corporate assets and securities.

    Prerequisite(s): Placement above or successful completion of ENG 060 and eligible for ENG 101
    Note(s): This is a Legal Specialty course.

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • PAR 133 - Criminal Law for the Paralegal


    This course examines criminal law and procedure, emphasizing Massachusetts and federal law. The categories of crime, as well as the requisites for crime and criminal defenses, are introduced. The class will pay particular attention to the practical aspects of how a paralegal assists a lawyer in a variety of tasks.

    Prerequisite(s): Placement above or successful completion of ENG 060 and eligible for ENG 101
    Note(s): This is a Legal Specialty course.

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • PAR 134 - Family Law


    This course will examine the relationship between families and the law. Topics will include: the legal definitions of marriage and family; the rights and obligations among family members, including parent-child relationships, divorce, property division, alimony, child custody and child support; and the government’s role in marriage and family life.

    Prerequisite(s): Placement above or successful completion of ENG 060 and eligible for ENG 101

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • PAR 135 - Real Estate Law


    This course provides an overview of the principles of real estate law. Modern-day estates in land and types of ownership will be discussed, including fee simple, joint tenancy and condominium law. Real estate documents will be introduced in the order in which they are met in a typical single-family real estate closing, including the offer, the purchase-and-sale agreement, notes and mortgages, types of financing arrangements, title examinations, title insurance documents, settlement statements and more. Foreclosure law will also be discussed.

    Prerequisite(s): Placement above or successful completion of ENG 060 and eligible for ENG 101
    Note(s): This is a Legal Specialty course.

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • PAR 136 - Wills, Trusts and Estates


    The first part of this course deals with the procedures and substantive law of wills and administration of estates and trusts. Civil commitment, guardianship, and conservatorship will also be discussed. An overview of federal and Massachusetts estate and gift tax procedures will be included.

    Prerequisite(s): Placement above or successful completion of ENG 060 and eligible for ENG 101
    Note(s): This is a Legal Specialty course.

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • PAR 137 - Ethics and Professional Responsibilities for Paralegals


    This course introduces students to the essential ethical principles and professional codes which regulate legal professionals. Emphasis will be placed on analyzing how these general principles are applied in a legal office. Specific principles that will be covered include the unauthorized practice of law, client confidentiality, conflict of interest, setting legal fees, responsibility for holding a client’s funds, advertising legal services, and client solicitation. The course will also cover how attorneys and paralegals are disciplined if they violate their professional codes.

    Prerequisite(s): Placement above or successful completion of ENG 060 or higher placement and eligible for ENG 101

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • PAR 198 - Law Office Management


    Attorneys are relying more often upon paralegals to assist with daily law office management functions as well as long-range systems planning. Upon completion of this course the student will be equipped to assist practicing attorneys in the effective management of their law offices. Adhering to the guidelines provided by the American Association for Paralegal Education this course will cover: how law offices are legally structured; the law office/ client relationship; legal and ethical concepts affecting law office management; administrative systems including fees, time-keeping and billing systems; management of clients’ trust fund accounts; marketing and strategic planning; law library organization and management; document preparation; docket control and other relevant management topics. Administrative skills such as leadership, communication, delegation and personnel issues will be addressed, and typical law office situations will be presented for analysis. This course is offered as an alternative to PAR 199, the Paralegal Internship and only one of these courses may be taken for program credit.

    Prerequisite(s): Placement above or successful completion of ENG 060 and eligible for ENG 101 and PAR 110.

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • PAR 199 - Paralegal Internship


    The internship program provides a supervised practicum experience in law. Interns will spend 6 hours per week at their assigned internship position and attend a weekly one-hour seminar at the college. Weekly classes will review law office procedures, employability skills, ethical issues in the legal workplace, and selected topics in law. Students may be assigned to criminal or civil areas of law. All interns will be supervised by attorneys and will be responsible for performing work traditionally assigned to paralegals such as researching state and federal law (statutes, regulations and cases), responding to client requests for information, and coordinating responses to public agencies and private law firms. Internship opportunities exist within the MCC Law Center, the district courts, and law offices approved by the program director. This course is strongly recommended for all students planning to seek paralegal employment upon graduation.

    Prerequisite(s): PAR 110 or permission of instructor
    Intensive Value(s): Values/Ethics/Social Policy; Computer Literacy.
    Note(s): This is a Legal Specialty course.

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • PAR 210 - Legal Research and Writing II


    Building on students’ research skills, this course requires independent research of a legal issue using online sources and research methods. Students prepare written materials including a memorandum analyzing a legal issue. Emphasis is placed on developing organized research methodology using the most current online sources available, developing an analytical writing style, and on editing for clarity and conciseness.

    Prerequisite(s): PAR 110 and ENG 101 or permission of instructor
    Note(s): This is a required course for all paralegal majors.

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.


  • PHL 101 - Introduction to Philosophy


    An introductory study of traditional and contemporary philosophies and an analysis of how their ideas apply to living today. Students in the course explore such issues as: the meaning and purpose of life, the nature of religious belief, the justification of moral values, and the meaning of human freedom.

    Prerequisite(s): Eligible for ENG 101
    General Education Elective(s): Humanities
    Intensive Value(s): Multicultural/Global Awareness; Written Communication

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • PHL 102 - Philosophy and Gender


    Philosophy and Gender is Philosophy course which examines key issues related to the philosophical and critical study of gender. Lectures and discussions examine areas such as: parenting in today’s families, gender and art, gender and language, sex and gender, the meaning of masculinity and femininity, women’s spirituality, the relationship between gender and rationality, between gender and the body, the impact of gender on working conditions and some cultural institutions. Although the emphasis is on western culture, we will study gender in a global context as well. Questions like- are there some conditions that women everywhere may share? What are our commonalities? What changes can we make to make society more equal for all human beings?

    General Education Elective(s): Humanities

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.


  • PHY 105 - Astronomy


    A descriptive course designed to introduce students to solar system and deep-space phenomena. Extensive use is made of hands-on activities to aid in understanding the relationship of the Earth to the sun, moon, and other planets, along with tides, time, and eclipses. Emphasis is placed upon gaining insights into the size and scale of the solar system, galaxy, and cosmos. Additional topics include stellar evolution, dynamics of the Milky Way and other galaxies, the search for extraterrestrial life, and cosmology. Nighttime sky viewing is included, with and without the telescope.

    Prerequisite(s): MAT 060 and eligibility for ENG 101 and ENG 060
    Recommendation(s): Concurrent enrollment in ENG 075 or ENG 085 if CPT reading placement test is between 68 and 75
    General Education Elective(s): Science

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • PHY 110 - Physics for Networking Systems


    Designed for CSNT students. The physics of data transfer via various media is emphasized. Topics include vectors, motion, force, work and energy, wave motion, light, diffraction, polarization, reflection, refraction, and propagation properties of various media (e.g., wire, cable, fiber, free space). Employability skills, such as problem solving, teamwork, communication, and others are practiced.

    Prerequisite(s): A grade of C or better in NST 101, NST 111 and TMA 096
    General Education Elective(s): Science

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • PHY 151 - Physics I


    The first in a two-semester algebra/trigonometry-based physics sequence. Emphasis is placed on understanding through problem solving. Topics include the metric system, kinematics, Newton’s laws, momentum, energy, power, rotation, buoyancy and heat 3 hours lecture/2 hours laboratory

    Prerequisite(s): Placement above or successful completion of ENG 060, high school trigonometry or eligibility for precalculus, MAT 185 or MAT 189 )
    Recommendation(s): Concurrent enrollment in ENG 075 or ENG 085 if CPT reading placement test is between 68 and 75
    General Education Elective(s): Science

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • PHY 152 - Physics II


    A continuation of PHY 151 (SC 3140). The basic principles of sound, light, electromagnetism, and radioactivity are considered. Special topics include the Doppler effect, the photoelectric effect, and simple harmonic motion. 3 hour lecture/2 hour laboratory

    Prerequisite(s): PHY 151 with a grade of C or better or permission of a Science instructor
    General Education Elective(s): Science

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • PHY 171 - Physics For Engineering And Science I


    The first in a series of two calculus-based physics courses for students planning to transfer to an engineering or physical science baccalaureate program. Emphasis is placed on understanding through problem solving. Topics include the SI system; kinematics in one, two and three dimensions; Newton’s laws of motion; friction, circular motion, conservation of energy and momentum, and oscillations. 3 hours lecture/ 3 hours laboratory

    Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of or concurrent enrollment in MAT 290
    Recommendation(s): Previous high school or college physics is strongly recommended.
    General Education Elective(s): Science

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • PHY 172 - Physics For Engineering And Science II


    The second in a sequence of two calculus-based physics courses for students planning to transfer to an engineering or physical science baccalaureate program. Topics include waves, electricity and magnetism, electromagnetic waves, optics, and an introduction to modern physics. 3 hour lecture/3 hour laboratory

    Prerequisite(s): PHY 171 with a grade of C or better and successful completion of or concurrent enrollment in MAT 291
    General Education Elective(s): Science

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.


  • PSY 100 - Explorations in Human Behavior


    This course focuses on how psychology can help us meet the demands and challenges of living in a complex society. Topics such as theories of personality and motivation, personal growth and adjustment, interpersonal relationships and decision making and values will be explored. This course is hands-on, stresses learning by doing and will integrate learning strategies, study skills and information on college resources that contribute to college success. Specifically designed for students who have had minimal previous experience with behavioral science, not for those who have completed PSY 101 (SO 5101) (Introduction to Psychology).

    Prerequisite(s): Placement above or successful completion of ENG 065 and ENG 050. Students placing above or who have successfully completed ENG 071 and whose CPT is above 67 are NOT eligible to enroll in this course.
    Recommendation(s): Concurrent enrollment in ENG 071 and/or ENG 055, if CPT is between 44 and 55, is encouraged.
    General Education Elective(s): Behavioral Science
    Intensive Value(s): Technology/Environment/Health

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • PSY 101 - Introduction To Psychology


    An introduction to the study of how people behave and function. Topics covered include: physiology of the brain, memory, learning, language, perception, life span changes, normality and abnormality, social interactions, group influence on individuals, and therapies.

    Prerequisite(s): Placement above or successful completion of ENG 060 and eligible for ENG 101.
    Recommendation(s): Concurrent enrollment in ENG 075 or ENG 085 if CPT reading placement test is between 68 and 75
    General Education Elective(s): Behavioral Science
    Intensive Value(s): Multicultural/Global Awareness; Technology/Environment/Health

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • PSY 120 - Child Psychology


    This course examines critical issues in physical, cognitive, emotional, and social development from the prenatal period to early adolescence. Emphasis is on the sequence and meanings of developmental patterns in the life of a child. The course provides a framework by which students may better observe and understand the world of childhood.

    Prerequisite(s): PSY 101
    General Education Elective(s): Behavioral Science

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • PSY 121 - Adolescent Psychology


    This course will focus on the physiological, cognitive, social, and emotional changes of adolescence that lead to both a new sense of self and new responsibilities in the social world. Emphasis is on the influence of life events on the identity process. Topics include puberty and sexual behavior, moral and values development, the influence of peers and school, and delinquency and violence.

    Prerequisite(s): PSY 101
    General Education Elective(s): Behavioral Science
    Intensive Value(s): Multicultural/Global Awareness

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.

  • PSY 122 - Child Growth and Development


    An examination of the development of children from pre-birth through puberty. Utilizing both theoretical and practical perspectives, the physical, cognitive, and social, personality and emotional development of children will be explored, with an emphasis on the interrelationships between theory, research and practice. Also considered are such topics as the critical role for adults in fostering all areas of children’s growth, and the significant influence of family and culture on development. This course is especially designed for students interested in pursuing course work or careers in education, nursing and human services.

    Prerequisite(s): Placement above or successful completion of ENG 060 and eligible for ENG 101
    Recommendation(s): Concurrent enrollment in ENG 075 or ENG 085 if CPT reading placement test is between 68 and 75.
    General Education Elective(s): Behavioral Science
    Intensive Value(s): Multicultural/Global Awareness; Writing

    Click here for course schedule details, to register for this course, or to view required books for this course.


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