The policies and regulations included here are only a portion of the official policies and regulations of Middlesex Community College. MCC has regulations in place regarding alcoholic beverages, drugs and animals on campus, bomb threats, posting items on campus bulletin boards, false fire alarms, gambling, hazing, solicitation, trespassing and campus visitors.
For reader convenience, the subjects included here are listed in alphabetical order. Due process is accorded to students in the event of any alleged violation of college regulations.
Absences Due to Pregnancy
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In accordance with Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, absences due to pregnancy or related conditions, including recovery from childbirth, shall be excused for as long as the student’s doctor deems the absences to be medically necessary. When the student returns to the College she shall be reinstated to the status she held when the leave began, which includes the opportunity to make up any missed work. The College may offer the student alternatives to making up missed work, such as retaking a semester, taking part in on-line instruction, or allowing the student additional time in a program to continue at the same pace and finish at a later date. For more information, please contact the College’s Title IX Coordinator, Rebecca H. Newell (ext. 3363).
Activism and Demonstration (such as protest and petition)
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Students who wish to present issues to the student body relative to on or off campus questions, whether as a means of collecting or registering opinions of support or protest, or of simply collecting comments on topics of interest and concern to the student body, shall be afforded the opportunity to do so in the following manner:
- The students who are primarily involved in organizing the action must present a signed, written notice of their intent to the Dean of Students.
- Students may not interfere with the normal operation of the College or its agencies. They must be set up in such a manner as not to interfere with the rights of members of the College community to use the facilities of the College without deviating from their normal traffic flow. The College reserves the right to prohibit picketing in places that would be disruptive to classes or college operations.
- All of the normal rules and regulations governing the posting and distribution of printed or other graphic material, and prohibiting solicitation on campus, will apply. Those persons who are engaged in an activity which is in violation of the regulations above, or which results in injury to persons or in damage to the property of the College or its agencies, shall be held personally responsible and shall be referred to the proper College authorities for disciplinary action.
Animals on Campus
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With the exception of Service Animals, pets are not allowed on campus.
Bathroom and Locker Room Use
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Individuals have the legal right to use restrooms, changing rooms, and locker rooms that correspond to their gender identity, regardless of their assigned sex. Massachusetts law explicitly prevents places of public accommodation from discriminating against, harassing, or providing different or inferior service to an individual based on gender identity. It also protects the right of all people - including transgender people - to use sex-segregated facilities that are most consistent with their sincerely held gender identity.
Gender identity, as defined under Massachusetts law, means “a person’s gender-related identity, appearance or behavior, whether or not that gender-related identity, appearance or behavior is different from that traditionally associated with the person’s physiology or assigned sex at birth.” In essence, gender identity is a person’s internal sense of their own gender. The law provides that gender identity must be “sincerely held as part of a person’s core identity.”
Bomb Threats
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False reporting of any explosive or incendiary device is punishable by imprisonment up to 20 years and/or a fine of not more than $10,000. (M. G. L. Chapter 269/S14).
Bulletin Board Posting
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MCC Bulletin Board Posting Policy
Middlesex News for Bulletin Boards:
- All flyers must be stamped with expiration date by official MCC stamp in CLE (Internal News & Events) or Campus Manager (External News & Events).
- Flyers must be advertising MCC news only.
- Flyers may be posted on boards designated for General News.
- Flyers must be posted with staples (no tacks allowed).
- Flyers must not overlap information on other posted materials.
- All flyers must be 8.5x11 or smaller (exceptions made by campus manager or CLE).
- Expiration date will be set no later than the date of the event.
- Individual generating flyer responsible for posting and removing all signage.
- Flyers must be in English or be accompanied by an English translation.
- Contact information must be on flyer.
- The College reserves the right to remove postings which have not been stamped for approval.
Community News:
- All flyers must be stamped with official MCC Campus Manager Stamp.
- Flyers will be reviewed by the Campus Manager’s Office for content.
- Flyers will be posted on boards by the Campus Manager’s Office.
- Flyers must be posted with staples (no tacks allowed)
- Flyers must not overlap information on other posted materials.
- Expiration date will be set no later than the date of the event.
- The College reserves the right to remove postings which have not been stamped for approval.
Changing Biographic Information
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In order to change one’s legal name on College records, a student must present a certified copy of a court order indicating a legal name change has been granted. As for changing one’s gender designation on College records, a student must provide a certified copy of a court order showing the change of gender, or other legal identification, such as a Massachusetts driver’s license, reflecting the student’s new gender. If a student presents evidence to the College that the student’s name, gender or other biographical information has been legally changed, the College will recognize that change in its records and in the application of its policies.
Crime Awareness - Crime Statistics
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In Nov. 8, 1990, Congress enacted the Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990 under Public Law 101-542, Title II. This act requires that institutions of higher education receiving federal funding collect information with respect to crime statistics and campus security policies and, beginning September 1992, prepare, publish and distribute an annual safety and security report.
Middlesex Community College, in accordance with legal mandates and its philosophy of establishing and maintaining an environment of learning and a supportive climate in which to conduct the business and mission of the college, provides policies and procedures which have been developed in accordance with the Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act. The annual crime statistics, and safety and emergency policies and procedures as well as crime prevention and education information can be found in the Annual Safety and Security Report or through the Director of Public Safety.
Crime Awareness - Sex Offender Registry Information (SORI)
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In accordance with Federal law, the college is required to advise the campus community where information concerning registered sex offenders may be obtained. Information concerning Level 2 and Level 3 offenders is available to the general public by contacting your local police department or the Commonwealth of Massachusetts’ Sex Offender Registry Board, P.O. Box 4547, Salem, MA 01970-4547, 978-740-6400. Level 3 offender information is also available online at If you have any questions regarding access to sex offender information, please contact the Director of Public Safety, Daniel Martin at or 781-589-0165. |
Drone Policy
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The use of a small unmanned aircraft system (i.e. drone) is subject to federal regulations promulgated by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) at 14 CFR Part 107 ( Students wishing to participate in a drone-related program or activity, must inquire with the Dean of Students Office to receive further information and instruction.
Regulations on drone operations are summarized at, and include, but are not limited to:
- Aircraft must weigh less than 55 pounds;
- Operator must maintain a visual line of sight at all times;
- Visual line of sight may not be aided by any device except corrective lenses;
- May not operate over any persons not directly participating in the operation, not under a covered structure, or not inside a covered stationary vehicle;
- Daylight operations only;
- Maximum altitude of 400 feet above ground level; and
- No operations from a moving vehicle.
Concerning the regulatory restrictions on operating a drone over people, the federal regulations elaborate as follows.
14 CFR § 107.39 Operation over human beings.
No person may operate a small unmanned aircraft over a human being unless that human being is:
- Directly participating in the operation of the small unmanned aircraft; or
- Located under a covered structure or inside a stationary vehicle that can provide reasonable protection from a falling small unmanned aircraft.
The FAA explains operating “over people” as follows: The term “over” refers to the flight of the small unmanned aircraft directly over any part of a person. For example, a small UAS that hovers directly over a person’s head, shoulders, or extended arms or legs would be an operation over people. Similarly, if a person is lying down, for example at a beach, an operation over that person’s torso or toes would also constitute an operation over people. An operation during which a small UAS flies over any part of any person, regardless of the dwell time, if any, over the person, would be an operation over people.
Currently, FAA regulations require a waiver in order to operate a drone over people in a manner other than that which is permitted under the regulations. In February 2019, the FAA issued proposed changes to its regulations concerning drone operations, including to Section 107.39, which would permit drone operation over people without a waiver under certain circumstances. The rule making comment period ended on April 15, 2019, and final rules are expected later this summer. Until then, the current restrictions imposed under Section 107.39 remain effective.
Drop for Non-Attendance/Roster Verification Policy- Last Updated 5/21/2021
Students register for classes each semester with the best intentions, but at times, circumstances prevent them from beginning the semester. When a student fails to drop or withdraw from a course they are not attending, they may be charged for the course and receive a failing grade due to their non-attendance.
When a student fails to attend a course over the 1st two weeks from the course start, the College has developed the Drop for Non-Attendance (DN) process. Through this process, faculty enter a grade of DN which notifies the Registrar of a student’s non-attendance. The student is then dropped from the course without course charges or the issuance of a failing grade. Since faculty are not required to monitor daily student attendance, the DN process may not be initiated in all cases and it is ultimately a student’s responsibility to drop a course by the end of the drop/add period in order to avoid any penalties.
Definition for Attendance for Online Courses
2020-21 Federal Student Aid Handbook
For distance education, documenting that a student has logged into an online class is not sufficient to demonstrate academic attendance by the student. A school must demonstrate that a student participated in class or was otherwise engaged in an academically related activity.
Examples of acceptable evidence of academic attendance and attendance at an academically related activity in a distance education course/program include:
- student submission of an academic assignment
- student submission of an exam
- documented student participation in an interactive tutorial or computer-assisted instruction
- a posting by the student showing the student’s participation in an online study group that is assigned by the institution
- a posting by the student in a discussion forum showing the student’s participation in an online discussion about academic matters
- An email from the student or other documentation showing that the student initiated contact with a faculty member to ask a question about the academic subject studied in the course.
Emergency Phone Numbers
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In case of a campus emergency, phone calls to the following numbers can be dialed from any college common-area or office phone 24 hours a day, seven days a week:
- Police-Fire-Medical assistance dial 911
- For all other assistance:
- In Lowell, dial; 781-589-1384
- In Bedford, dial: 781-589-0234
For increased safety, it is recommended that you program the above numbers into your phone.
When you call in an emergency, please be sure to tell the operator the following:
- Who you are
- The nature of your call
- The location of the emergency
- The telephone extension from which you are calling
The appropriate numbers are posted on all office telephones, all common-area telephones, in all elevator lobbies, and on bulletin boards.
False Fire Alarms
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False reporting of a fire alarm is punishable by a fine of not more than $500 or imprisonment of not more than one year in jail. (M.G.L. 269S/S13).
Financial Information
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Middlesex Community College’s audited financial information is included as part of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. Requests for financial information should be addressed to Vice President/Chief Fiscal Officer, Middlesex Community College, 591 Springs Road, Bedford, MA 01730. |
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It is the policy of Middlesex Community College to prohibit the possession, display of, or attempt or threat to use unauthorized firearms, knives or other weapons on campus also including, but not limited to explosives, ammunition, replica or facsimile weapons, or objects not originally intended as a weapon, but used as such or to imitate a weapon.
This policy does not prohibit small quantity personal protection chemical spray devices (e.g., key-chain sprays) intended for defensive purposes, or tools possessed and used by employees in accordance with departmental policies, uniformed law-enforcement officials, armored-car couriers, or others specifically authorized by the College. |
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Middlesex Community College will follow Commonwealth guidelines which prohibit illegal gambling. This includes such games that result in the exchange of money.
Grade Appeals
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Grading reflects careful and deliberate assessment of a student’s performance by the instructing professional(s). The College recognizes that in rare cases, the process of grading may be subject to error or injustice. Before invoking the Student Grievance Procedure, a reasonable effort shall be made by those involved to resolve the grade dispute. Only when such efforts are unsuccessful should the procedure be invoked. Students must attempt informal resolution with their faculty and make an appointment with a Student Grievance Officer to review the procedure within 30 calendar days of the posting of final grades.
Contact with questions or to schedule an appointment to review the procedure.
This is required to commence the process and ensure the appropriate timeline. If it has been over 30 days from receipt of final grade, alternative steps may be suggested.
For the purpose of Grade Appeals, substantial evidence of error or injustice is defined as:
- The assignment of a course grade to a student on some basis other than performance in the course; or
- The assignment of a course grade to a student by resorting to unreasonable standards different from those which were applied by the same instructor to other students in that course; or
- The assignment of a course grade by a substantial, unreasonable and unannounced departure from the instructor’s previously articulated standards
Grade Appeal Checklist
Grade Appeal Student Complaint Form (please save this form before filling it out electronically)
Grade Appeal Faculty Response Form
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Any person who believes that his/her rights to use a service animal on College property have been violated may file a complaint under the College’s Affirmative Action Plan by contacting the College’s Affirmative Action Officer.
Grievance Procedure
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Prior to commencing a formal grievance, students are encouraged to attempt an informal resolution directly with the subject of the complaint. Students may also consult with the supervisor or Academic Dean for the program. If an informal resolution is unsuccessful, students may initiate a formal grievance by submitting a Student Complaint Form or contacting the Student Grievance Officer at Complaint forms will be received electronically by the Office of Community Standards, reviewed, and shared with appropriate staff who will respond.
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In accordance with Chapter 665 of the Acts of 1987, Middlesex Community College prohibits any form of hazing on or off the campus. (Text as amended by 1987, 665 effective April 4, 1988.) Section 17. Whoever is a principal organizer or participant in the crime of hazing, as defined herein, shall be punished by a fine of not more than three thousand dollars or by imprisonment in a house of correction for not more than one year, or both such fine and imprisonment. The term “hazing” as used in this section and in section eighteen, shall mean any conduct or method of initiations into any student organization, which willfully or recklessly endangers the physical or mental health of any student or any person. Such conduct shall include whipping, beating, branding, forced calisthenics, exposure to the weather, forced consumption of any food, liquor, beverage, drug or other substance, or any brutal treatment of forced physical health or safety of any other person to extreme mental stress, including extended deprivation of sleep or rest or extended isolation. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this section to the contrary, consent shall not be available as a defense to any prosecution under this section.
Failure to Report Hazing: Penalty
Section 18: Whoever knows that another person is the victim of hazing as defined in section seventeen and is at the scene of such crime shall, to the extent that such person can do so without danger or peril to himself or others, report such crime to an appropriate law enforcement official as soon as reasonably practicable. Whoever fails to report such a crime shall be punished by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars. |
Hoverboards and Similar Modes of Transportation on Campus
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To ensure the safety of the campus community, Middlesex Community College will prohibit the use and possession of hoverboards. This campus-wide ban includes all buidlings and parking lots. This policy includes all self-balancing scooters, battery-operated scooters and hands-free Segways. |
Institutional Review Board
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The Middlesex Community College Institutional Review Board (IRB) supports the research endeavors of students, faculty and staff. The IRB has responsibility to oversee procedures for carrying out MCC’s commitment to protect human subjects in research. The IRB is charged with evaluating each project’s compliance with ethical standards in regard to issues such as informed consent, confidentiality and risk to participants. Any research involving the use of human subjects requires review by the IRB. Those individuals seeking to conduct such research may not solicit subject participation or begin data collection until they have obtained clearance by the IRB.
The MCC IRB Policies and Procedures Manual, meeting dates and all application forms can be found on the IRB’s website. If you have questions regarding the IRB or human subject research, contact .
Policy on Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity & Diversity
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Pregnant and Parenting Students
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Title IX offers protections to pregnant students, including:
- prohibiting discrimination based on pregnancy, childbirth, and recovery
- the right to reasonable adjustments in response to the student’s pregnancy akin to that which an institution provides to students with other temporary medical conditions
- the right to access a leave of absence for so long as is medically necessary, and to be reinstated upon return to the status which the student held when the leave began
- when grading is based in part on class participation or attendance, and a student misses class because of pregnancy or childbirth, the student should be allowed to make up the participation or attendance credits
Title IX also provides the above protections as they relate to newborn care and lactation/breast-feeding as well as recovery from pregnancy termination or miscarriage.
Students can request adjustments by emailing the Title IX Coordinator at The Title IX Coordinator will review the request and coordinate any accommodations in partnership with the student’s professors, academic administration, and other College personnel as necessary.
Assistance for pregnant and parenting students is coordinated in a cohesive, intentional, and caring manner in support of student success. Faculty have the right to be flexible and accommodating per their syllabus, but are encouraged to consult with the Title IX Coordinator and should provide information on any adjustments in order to appropriately track the requests and response to requests.
Students who believe they have experienced sex discrimination, including pregnancy discrimination may reach out to the Title IX Coordinator to review the grievance procedure available to them. The full Policy on Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity, and Diversity can be found here.
Readiness to Return
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Middlesex Community College recognizes the well-being of all members of the MCC community is critical to the attainment of their educational outcomes. The Readiness to Return Policy and accompanying procedures are in place to support the health and safety of the entire MCC community.
MCC understands circumstances sometimes occur beyond one’s control. In the event students need to halt their studies in order to prioritize their health or safety, they are encouraged to step away from school and find care, returning when ready and better able to navigate their academic pathway. While MCC does not devote a specific process for “Medical Leave”, it offers a dedicated team for Withdrawal for Extenuating Circumstances and supported Readiness to Return protocols to ensure access to education alongside deferred time to heal.
Students are responsible for notifying their course faculty and the Assistant Dean of Student Support Services of any significant change in their health status, which require absences from their classes, including all hospitalizations. Under these circumstances, students should then connect with the Assistant Dean or their designee to discuss resuming their studies.
Should the student voluntarily withdraw from the College or miss substantial course time due to the above and wish to return to class during the current or future semester, the student must contact the Student Support Services office in order to complete the necessary paperwork and to schedule a re-entry meeting. A Provider Communication Form must be submitted from a qualified medical professional to verify the student is ready to return to the college. Students may not return to MCC or resume their MCC academic coursework until this step is completed.
When the College is first informed of the student’s hospitalization, the College will place a wellness “hold” on the student’s registration, pending the student’s re-entry meeting. Throughout the process, the highest level of confidentiality will be maintained. Please contact Student Support Services at 781-280-3637 for questions and additional information.
The Readiness to Return Policy is applied in accordance with the College’s Student Assessment and Intervention protocols and the Student Code of Conduct.
Please note: hospitalization and illness are not automatically considered excused absences. Such decisions are at the discretion of the faculty member, based on their course policies and their determination of the student’s ability to complete course requirements.
Records Management Policy
Middlesex Community College has established student records management policies that ensure the protection and security of student academic records.
The Office of the College Registrar maintains in perpetuity the confidentiality, integrity, and security of all physical student academic records in its on-campus office and all digital records are maintained and secured in accordance with the College’s Network Usage Policies and in conformance with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts’ Statewide Records Retention Schedule. Most educational records are kept in the Office of Records and Registration. Other offices may maintain informal or unofficial records.
As described in the College’s Foundational principles for Data Governance, practices for data collection and usage are consistent with ethical and legal standards such that privacy and security concerns are paramount. The MCC Institutional Cybersecurity Team is charged with ensuring the College’s compliance with (1) federal, state, and local laws associated with the protection of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and individual privacy and (2) industry standards for protecting the privacy of financial information. MCC’s Facilities Department’s Procedures for Storage and Disposal of Paper Documentation Containing Confidential Information and/or PII Data can be found on the MCC Cybersecurity website.
Electronic student academic records are backed up nightly and as well as replicated to a disaster recovery site away from the main campus. Consistent with the NECHE standards and other State and Federal requirements, the College regularly updates its disaster planning and recovery policies and procedures as described in the Written Information Security Policy.
Middlesex Community College adheres to 201 CMR 17.00: Standards for the protection of personal information of residents of the Commonwealth. Additionally, privacy rights regarding access to information are observed in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, (FERPA), Section 438 of the General Education Provisions Act 20 USC 1232, commonly known as the Buckley Amendment.
Safeguarding Student Records in the Event of College Closure
In the event of institutional closure, arrangements would be made with the Massachusetts Department of Higher Education (Mass DHE) and the Commission on Institutions of Higher Education (NECHE) of the New England Association of Schools and Colleges to secure records and afford students access to their records. The institution would comply with all requirements including:
Questions or concerns regarding this policy should be directed to the |
Religious Absences
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Students who, due to religious beliefs, are unable to attend classes or to participate in any examination, study or work requirements on a particular day, shall be excused from any such examination or study or requirement, and shall be provided with an opportunity to make up such examination, study, or work requirement which he/she may have missed because of such absence on any particular day, provided, however, that appropriate prior notice is provided to the instructor and that such makeup examination or work shall not create an unreasonable burden upon the school. No fees of any kind shall be charged by the institution for making available to said student such opportunity. No adverse or prejudicial effects shall result to any student for availing himself/herself of the provisions for an absence for religious reasons in accordance with Chapter 151C, Section 2B, General Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
Service Animal Defined
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The Americans with Disabilities Act’s regulations define “service animal” as any dog that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability, including a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental disability. Other species of animals, whether wild or domestic, trained or untrained, are not service animals for the purposes of this definition. However, in certain instances, the use of other animals as a service animal may be permitted under other laws so please consult with the College’s Disability Services Officer.
Service Animals
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Middlesex Community College generally permits service animals assisting individuals with disabilities in all facilities maintained by the College. Therefore, an individual with a disability shall be permitted to be accompanied by his/her service animal in all areas of the College’s facilities where members of the public are permitted. The College reserves the right to impose restrictions on the use of service animals on its property in order to maintain safety or to avoid disruption of College operations.
This policy applies only to facilities owned by the College or under its control. Please be advised that there may be restrictions imposed on the use of service animals in non-college facilities, such as hospitals, science laboratories or other clinical or internship experience locations. Such restrictions are established by the individual facilities according to their own policies and procedures and the College has no control over such restrictions.
“Service Animal” Defined
The Americans with Disabilities Act’s regulations define “service animal” as any dog that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability, including a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental disability. Other species of animals, whether wild or domestic, trained or untrained, are not service animals for the purposes of this definition. However, in certain instances, the use of other animals as a service animal may be permitted under other laws so please consult with the College’s Disability Services Officer.
Type of Work or Tasks a Service Animal May Provide
Work or tasks performed by a service animal must be directly related to its handler’s disability. Examples of work or tasks performed by service animals include, but are not limited to:
- assisting individuals who are blind or have low vision with navigation and other tasks;
- alerting individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing to the presence of people or sounds;
- providing non-violent protection or rescue work;
- pulling a wheelchair;
- assisting an individual during a seizure;
- alerting individuals to the presence of allergens;
- retrieving items such as medicine or the telephone;
- providing physical support and assistance with balance and stability to individuals with mobility disabilities; and
- helping persons with psychiatric and neurological disabilities by preventing or interrupting impulsive or destructive behaviors.
Services that do not qualify as work or tasks performed by a service animal include:
- crime deterrent effects; or
- the provision of emotional support, comfort, or companionship, often referred to as “therapy” or “companion” animals.
Service Animal Documentation
Consistent with state law, all dogs on campus shall:
- possess an animal license in compliance with Massachusetts law;
- be properly immunized and vaccinated; and
- wear a current license and rabies vaccination tag.
It is recommended that a service animal wear some type of recognizable symbol identifying it as a service animal. However, there is no requirement for documentation to prove that the animal has had particular training or is a “certified” service animal.
Registration of a Service Animal on Campus
Where practicable, a student or employee seeking to use a service animal must notify the Office of Disability Services prior to bringing the animal on to College property. A service animal’s handler will be requested to complete a Service Animal Registration Form and an Acknowledgement of Responsibility and Waiver of Liability Agreement. These documents shall be maintained confidentially by the College. If the animal qualifies as a service animal, the handler shall comply with this policy at all times while the animal is on College property. Members of the general public intending to visit the College with a service animal should notify the College’s Office of Disability Services in advance when practicable. Specific questions related to the use of service animals on College property can be directed to Susan Woods via e-mail at or phone 781-280-3630.
Permissible Inquiries About a Service Animal
It is permissible for the College to make the following inquiries in order to determine whether an animal qualifies as a service animal:
- Is the animal required because of a disability? and
- What work or task is the animal trained to perform?
The College shall not inquire about the nature or extent of a person’s disability. Further, the College shall not make these inquiries about a service animal when it is readily apparent that an animal is trained to do work or perform tasks for an individual with a disability (e.g., the dog is observed guiding an individual who is blind, pulling a person’s wheelchair, or providing assistance with stability or balance to an individual with an observable mobility disability).
Control of a Service Animal
The College is not responsible for the care or supervision of a service animal. A service animal must be under the control of its handler at all times. A service animal shall have a leash or other tether, unless the handler is unable because of a disability to use a leash or other tether, or the use of such would interfere with the service animal’s safe, effective performance of its work or tasks. Under those circumstances where a service animal is not tethered, the service animal must be otherwise under the handler’s control (e.g., voice control, signals, or other effective means).
Health, Hygiene and Cleanliness
Service animals must be clean. Daily grooming and occasional baths should be utilized to keep the animal’s odor to a minimum. Adequate flea prevention and control must be maintained. If a service animal’s odor is offensive to other individuals, the handler will be requested to bathe the service animal prior to returning to the College. A service animal’s handler must clean up after the animal. If due to a disability the handler is unable to do so, the handler shall make alternative arrangements to do so.
Exclusion of a Service Animal from College Property
The College may direct an individual with a disability to remove a service animal from the premises if the animal:
- is out of control and its handler does not take effective action to control it (including the animal poses a direct threat to others on campus and/or exhibits behavior that interferes with the educational process;
- is not housebroken, is ill, or presents a reoccurring offensive odor; and/or
- is not properly licensed and/or vaccinated.
If the College excludes a service animal from its premises, it shall still afford the individual with a disability the opportunity to participate in its programs or activity without having the service animal on the premises.
Public Etiquette Rules
Members of the public should avoid:
- petting a service animal as it may distract the animal from its work;
- feeding a service animal;
- deliberately startling a service animal;
- calling or attempting to attract the attention of a service animal; and
- attempting to separate a service animal from its handler.
Smoke-Free Environment
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Smoking is prohibited on all property owned or operated by Middlesex Community College. This consists of all buildings, all grounds, including exterior open spaces, parking lots, on-campus sidewalks, roadways and driveways, recreational spaces and facilities; and in all college-owned or leased vehicles. Smoking will only be allowed in private vehicles, lawfully parked on campus lots, in which the smoker is authorized to be.
For the purposes of this policy, smoking includes the burning of tobacco or any other material in any type of smoking equipment, including but not restricted to cigarettes, cigars, pipes, or electronic vapor-cigarettes.
Educational opportunities about the benefits of smoking cessation and assistance with smoking cessation for smokers who are members of the MCC community will be made available through the LifeWorks Employee Assistance Program and MCC Center for Health & Wellness on both the Lowell and Bedford campuses.
Complaints concerning employees of the College should be brought to the attention of the employee’s immediate supervisor, or in the alternative to the Public Safety or Human Resources Office. Complaints concerning students should be brought to the attention of Public Safety. In the case of repeat offenses by students, complaints should be referred to the Office of the Dean of Students.
Any disciplinary measures will be reserved for repeat infractions or infractions that interfere with the College’s academic or workplace needs or responsibilities, consistent with applicable collective bargaining agreement procedures or student Code of Conduct.
Visitors who fail to comply with the policy may be prohibited from remaining on or returning to campus.
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Other than College-sponsored activity, solicitation of any kind is prohibited on campus without express written permission from the Bedford and/or Lowell Campus Managers. Recognized student groups must obtain approval from the Student Union Government Association.
Student Social Media Policy
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Middlesex Community College’s social media provides a convenient place where current and prospective students, alumni and the community can easily connect and learn about topics related to Middlesex.
We want you to participate in MCC social media, while abiding by our MCC Social Media Code of Conduct:
- Be respectful.
- Be honest.
- Respect copyright and fair use.
- Unsolicited or unauthorized advertising (including advertising of non MCC services or products), promotional materials are not permitted.
- Derogatory comments, including racially or sexually motivated, and sexually explicit materials are not permitted.
Please note that other participants may use posted information beyond the control of Middlesex Community College. Users who do not wish to have information they have made available via these sites used, published, copied and/or reprinted, should not post on the college’s social media sites.
Middlesex Community College has the right to remove any content for any reason, including but not limited to, content that it deems threatening, profane, obscene, derogatory, a violation of intellectual property rights or privacy laws, off-topic, promotion of organizations, programs, services or products not related to the college, or otherwise misleading, damaging or illegal. Users are fully responsible for the content they load on any of Middlesex Community College’s social media sites.
If content is deemed threatening, profane, obscene, derogatory, a violation of intellectual property rights or privacy laws, off-topic, promotion of organizations, programs, services or products not related to the college, or otherwise misleading, damaging or illegal - it will be removed from the thread. If an individual violates a policy more than once the college reserves the right to remove the poster from all official MCC Social Media sites.
If the posting is in violation of the Student Code of Conduct, the matter will be referred to the Dean of Students office.
By submitting content to any Middlesex Community College social media sites, users understand and acknowledge that this information is available to the public, and that the college may choose to use this information for internal and external promotional purposes.
Student Suicide Prevention Protocol
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The College recognizes that a student’s physical, behavioral, and emotional health is an integral component of a student’s academic success at the College. While we have always had procedures in place to address students in crisis, the purpose of this new protocol is to strengthen our ability to protect the health and well-being of all students by having clearer and more concrete procedures in place to identify, assess the risk of, intervene in, and respond to suicidal behavior. This new protocol is activated when the College has actual knowledge that a student is actively engaged in suicidal behavior, has previously engaged in suicidal behavior while enrolled at the College or recently before matriculation, or has stated plans or intentions to commit suicide. A student who engages in any of these behaviors may be required to comply with the College’s Readiness to Return Policy before being permitted to resume classes. The Student Suicide Prevention Protocol is administered by the Dean of Student’s Office and copies are available in the Dean’s Office or electronically by request to
Click here for the protocol.
Trespass Act
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Middlesex Community College is governed by the Massachusetts Trespass Act which states in part that whoever willfully trespasses upon land or premises belonging to the Commonwealth, or to any authority established by the general court for purposes incidental to higher education, or whoever after notice from an officer of any said institution to leave said land, remains thereon, shall be punished by a fine of not more than $50 or imprisonment for not more than three months. |
Visitors on Campus
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Visitors and guests are expected to abide by the rules and regulations established by the college. |
Computer & Network Usage Policy
General Principles
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Access to the College’s computer systems and networks, including email imposes certain responsibilities and obligations and is granted subject to College policies, and local, state and federal laws. Acceptable use always is ethical, reflects academic honesty, and shows restraint in the consumption of shared resources. It demonstrates respect for intellectual property, ownership of data, system security mechanisms, and individual rights to privacy.
Users include but are not limited to all students, faculty, staff and administrators, who have been granted access to college-owned or college-licensed computers, networks, software or any peripherals associated with the College’s computing facilities and/or equipment (“computer resources”). This policy applies to all Users.
The College’s computer resources are the property of the College. Such equipment and resources, including email, shall be use for academic, educational, or professional purposes, which are related to official College business and in support of the College’s mission.
No Expectation of Privacy
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Users shall have no expectation of privacy when using College computer resources, including email. Users should be aware that the President has authorized network administrators to monitor network traffic in order to ensure proper network operations. The President may also authorize the network administrator to inspect any user’s computer, any data contained in it, and any data, including e-mail communications, sent or received by that computer, on a case-by-case basis. |
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In making acceptable use of resources you MUST:
use resources only for College business, for purposes authorized by the College;
be responsible for all activities on your user ID or that originate from your system that result from your negligent failure to protect your user ID or to protect against such unauthorized use; Users should not give a password to anyone;
access only files and data that are your own, that are publicly available, or to which you have authorized access;
use only legal versions of copyrighted software in compliance with vendor license requirements; and
be considerate in your use of shared resources. Examples include not monopolizing systems, overloading networks with excessive data, or wasting computer time or resources, disk space, printer paper, manuals, or other resources
In making acceptable use of resources you MUST NOT:
use another person’s system, user ID, password, files, email address or data without permission;
use computer programs to decode passwords or access control information;
download, transmit or display obscene material;
circumvent or subvert or attempt to circumvent or subvert system or network security measures;
engage in activity that unreasonably interferes with the normal operation of the college;
engage in any activity that might be harmful to systems or to any information stored thereon, such as creating or propagating viruses, disrupting services, distributing chain letters or damaging files;
use College systems for commercial or partisan political purposes, such as using electronic mail to circulate advertising for products, for political candidates or for any profit-making company or enterprise;
make or use illegal copies of copyrighted software, store such copies on College systems, or transmit them over College Resources;
engage in unauthorized use or distribution of copyrighted material, including unauthorized peer-to-peer file sharing; or download any on-line software without appropriate authorization.
use the network for purposes which place a heavy load on scarce resources;
use the College’s computers or networks to libel, slander, or harass any other person. The following shall constitute Computer Harassment: (1) Intentionally using the computer to harass, intimidate, or threaten, another person by conveying obscene language, pictures, or other materials or threats of bodily harm to the recipient or the recipient’s immediate family; (2) Intentionally using the computer to contact another person repeatedly, whether or not any actual message is communicated, and/or where no purpose of legitimate communication exists and where the recipient has expressed a desire for the communication to cease; (3) Intentionally using the computer to contact another person repeatedly regarding a matter for which one does not have a legal right to communicate, once the recipient has provided reasonable notice that he or she desires such communication to cease (such as debt collection); (4) Intentionally using the computer to disrupt or damage the academic research, administrative, or related pursuits of another; (5)Intentionally using the computer to invade the privacy, academic or otherwise; • use the College’s systems or networks for personal gain; for example, by selling access to your user ID or to College systems or networks, or by performing work for profit with College resources in a manner not authorized by the College;
use the College’s systems or networks to transmit any material in violation of United States or Massachusetts laws or regulations;
engage in any illegal or unethical act, including violation of any criminal or civil laws or regulations, whether state or federal;
engage in any conduct that violates the College’s Affirmative Action Plan or Code of Student Conduct; and
engage in any other activity that does not comply with the General Principles presented above.
College Email
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The College provides Users with electronic mail communication. Email communication is intended primarily for educational and College business-related communications and shall be used by all faculty, staff, administrators, and contractors in a manner consistent with this policy.
Student email accounts will be created for each new student upon registration. Students are encouraged to use and check their College email account regularly. Important College information will be communicated to students through the student email system. The College will not allow students to update their e-mail addresses with private or other email addresses but they can forward their MCC email to another email account. Only the assigned College email address will be used by the College for email communications with students.
Social Media
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The use of all College computer resources for social media activities, including but not limited to, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, blogs or other form of social media, shall comply with this policy. Use of the College’s computer resources by faculty and staff for personal social media activities is prohibited. Use of the College’s computer resources by students for educational and social activities consistent with the College’s mission shall comply with this policy. |
College Facebook Page
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The College encourages interaction from Facebook users but is not responsible for comments or wall postings made by visitors to the page. Comments posted also do not in any way reflect the opinions or policies of the College. The College is not responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with the posting of any information on this page. The College reserves the right, but assumes no obligation, to edit or remove any posts and to block or remove members from the group. Posts promoting commercial or political activities or other non-College related ventures are prohibited. The College reserves the right to remove any content from the College’s Facebook Page that is not consistent with this policy or any other College policies. |
Data Confidentiality
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In the course of performing their jobs, College employees often have access to confidential or proprietary information, such as personal data about identifiable individuals, student record information or commercial information about business organizations. Under no circumstances may employees acquire access to confidential data unless such access is required by their jobs. Under no circumstances may employees disseminate any confidential information that they have rightful access to, unless such dissemination is required by their jobs. These restrictions are in addition to restrictions or prohibitions over the release of confidential information contained under state or federal law. |
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College officials will review alleged violations of acceptable use policies on a case-by-case basis. Violations of policy will result in appropriate actions, consideration of appropriate disciplinary measures and/or referral to appropriate authorities responsible for enforcing state and federal laws. Users who breach this policy may be denied access to the College’s computer and communications networks and may be subject to further disciplinary action. When discipline is imposed, it shall be consistent with the terms of any governing collective bargaining agreement as applicable. In order to prevent further possible unauthorized activity, the College reserves the right to disconnect that user from the network. If this is deemed necessary by College staff, where appropriate, reasonable effort will be made to inform the user prior to the disconnection. Breaches of this Computer and Network Usage Policy will be referred to appropriate administrators for consideration of discipline in accordance with applicable College policies and procedures. The College considers any violation of acceptable use of principles or guidelines to be a serious offense and reserves the right to copy and examine any files or information resident on College systems allegedly relating to unacceptable use. Violators are subject to disciplinary action as prescribed in student and employee policies, handbooks, or contracts. Offenders also may be prosecuted under laws including (but not limited to) the Privacy Protection Act of 1974, The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986, The Computer Virus Eradication Act of 1989, Interstate Transportation of Stolen Property, Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (20 U.S.C. Section 1223g), Massachusetts Wiretap Statute (G.L. c.272, Section 99), Massachusetts Privacy Statute (G.L. c 214, Section 1B), Copyright Infringement laws (17 U.S.C. Section 101 et seq.), the Communications Decency Act of 1996 [47 U.S.C. Section 223 (d) - (h)], and the Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986 (18 U.S.C. Sections 2510-21, 2701-10, 3121-27).